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Cart #18813 | 2016-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here is the first pass at the Pico-8 Flight Simulator in filled and shaded 3D.

Explore an expansive, mountainous world and avoid crashing.
(Simulation might be a stretch, as nothing about the aircraft physics is actually modeled... but you have to start somewhere.)

Left / Right Arrow: Turn
Up / Down Arrow: Increase / Decrease Pitch

I was feeling down about the frame rate, but then I looked at videos of flight simulators from the late 80's and early 90's and that made me feel better :-D.

--Fixed movement bug

Next tasks:
--Cockpit graphics
--More varied terrain
--Some sort of goal (perhaps travel from airport to airport and land... like a real flight sim...)

-Electric Gryphon


That's really impressive!

wow! that's great! the movement is lovely and the fog looks great

Lovely dynamics!

I realy like the shading, using horizontal line is good for frame rate and give a stylish look. The view distance is a bit low, maybe having a simple background mesh, or "skybox" would make the transition better.

Holy shit that's great.

Insane and incredible!

cockpit should give you a few frames back! nice job

I downloaded this cart to play it myself but I'm told I'm "out of memory" when I go to run it. Works fine online. Any idea why?

Hi BenWiley4000,

I just tried downloading the cart as an image (png) and it loaded and played okay.

What version of pico-8 are you running?
I'm running: PICO-8 (Alpha) v0.1.5

hey elecrtricgryphon, yeah I'm running the same version as you. I'm running the Linux build, perhaps it has a space limitation bug?

You continue to impress, Electricgryphon.

@BenWiley4000 I know older builds of P8 had only 256k of memory, and at some point it was bumped up to 512. Since you're running the latest version, that should be the case for you as well. Perhaps a bug in the Linux build, either missing the updated memory limit, or something wrong with the garbage collector?

Or, maybe instead of updating it, you installed another instance of it, and running from a shortcut that points to the old copy?

I think it must be a Linux build bug. I checked the version number from inside the pico-8 console, and in any case, I just downloaded and started using it a few days ago.

Bravo! It is fun just to fly around and not do anything in particular.

Tried to land this bird. Wanted to see some people. I see it's a 3D demo, but was hoping for a game.

Impressive nonetheless !

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