The controls right now are kind of clumsy, with the movement keys doing double duty as movement direction and firing direction. Why not have them like Smash TV/Binding of Isaac, where you have four keys to shoot in the four cardinal directions? One good adaptation would be to allow diagonal shooting by pressing two keys together, which those games lack.
Agreed. You can also aim and shoot with the mouse, but that's somewhat awkward too, as you don't have a visible cursor
For the record, this control scheme is actually already in place (although the game doesn't tell you).
You can use WASD or arrows to move, you can use the mouse to aim and fire while you move (no cursor, though), as well as use the numpad buttons to aim and fire in eight directions.
I was about the suggest the same exact thing. Nice to see it is in there already
Just have to have a cursor when using the mouse and it'll be perfect for me. It doesn't even need to be free rotation, just the 4 cardinal directions and the 4 diagonal directions would work fine.
I'd like to eventually see multiple configurations available for game pads. Dual Stick for those who want it, single stick for others. The ability to remap game pad and keyboard functions would be optimal, in my opinion.
The recommended control scheme surprises me. You need to take a step towards the enemy to aim at them.
Anyway, it's good to have options and I guess there will be more customisation later. In the mean time, could we please get the "twin stick" shooting controls mapped to some laptop friendly keys?
I don't know if it was mentioned yet, but if you turn the NumLock, you can use the numbers in the numerical keyboard to shoot in all 8 directions (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9)
Edit: Just realized Desi had already answered his question =)
1.4 has been released which lets you reconfigure the controls and also use dual stick configuration with a gamepad :)
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