I've started doing something in Pico-8, but when i am trying to follow the particle tutorial from Picozine 1 (even if i get the text correct) and run it i get an error like
This is the code: http://hastebin.com/akaqebefav.lua
Any help?
on line 40 you have
s.dx = (rnd(.8).4) |
maybe it should be
s.dx = (rnd(.8) - .4) |
i'm not sure what the intention of that line is so i'm just guessing
Here it is.
pico-8 cartridge // http://www.pico-8.com version 5 __lua__ --super wheelbot!! --by dynamicill function _init() level=2 px=10 py=104 pstate=0 pspr=0 pdir=0 pat=0 pdied=false smoke={} cursorx=50 cursory=50 color=7 if level==1 then px=10 py=104 end end function canfall() --get the map tile under the player v=mget(flr((px+4)/8),flr((py+8)/8)) --see if it's flagged as wall return not fget(v,0) end function change_state(s) pstate=s pat=0 end function make_smoke(x,y,init_size,col) local s = {} s.x=x s.y=y s.col=col s.width = init_size s.width_final = init_size + rnd(3)+1 s.t=0 s.max_t = 30+rnd(10) s.dx = (rnd(.8) - .4) s.dy = rnd(.05) s.ddy = .02 add(smoke,s) return s end function move_smoke(sp) if (sp.t > sp.max_t) then del(smoke,sp) end if (sp.t > sp.max_t15) then sp.width +=1 sp.width = min(sp.width,sp.width_final) end sp.x = sp.x + sp.dx sp.y = sp.y + sp.dy sp.dy= sp.dy+ sp.ddy sp.t = sp.t + 1 end function draw_smoke(s) circfill(s.x,s.y,s.width,s.col) end function _update() if pdied==false then b0=btn(0) --button0 state b1=btn(1) --button1 state b2=btn(2) --button2 state px=(px+128)%128 --no bounds left and right pat+=1 --idle state if pstate==0 then pspr=0 if (b0 or b1) change_state(1) if (b2) change_state(3) if (canfall()) change_state(2) end --walk state if pstate==1 then if (b0) pdir=-1 sfx(0) if (b1) pdir=1 sfx(0) px+=pdir*min(pat,2) pspr=flr(pat/2)%2 if (not(b0 or b1)) sfx(1) change_state(0) if (b2) change_state(3) if (canfall()) change_state(2) end --fall state if pstate==2 then pspr=32 sfx(2) if (canfall()) then if (b0)px-=1 --steer left if (b1)px+=1 --steer right py+=min(4,pat) --move the player if (not canfall()) py=flr(py/8)*8 --check ground contact else py=flr(py/8)*8 --fix position when we hit ground change_state(0) end end end --jump state if pstate==3 then pspr=1 py-=6-pat if (b0) px-=2 if (b1) px+=2 if (not b2 or pat>7) change_state(0) end --player death if py>=134 then if pdied==false then sfx(3) pdied=true end end foreach(smoke, move_smoke) if btn(0,0) then cursorx=1 end if btn(1,0) then cursorx+=1 end if btn(2,0) then cursory-=1 end if btn(3,0) then cursory+=1 end if btn(4,0) then color = flr(rand(16)) end make_smoke(cursorx,cursory,rnd(4),color) end end function _draw() --draw the world map(0,0,0,0,16,16) --draw the player spr(pspr,px,py,1,1,pdir==-1) --draw smoke foreach(smoke,draw_smoke) end |
Looks like you have an extra "end" at the end of this block:
foreach(smoke, move_smoke)
if btn(0,0) then cursorx=1 end
if btn(1,0) then cursorx+=1 end
if btn(2,0) then cursory-=1 end
if btn(3,0) then cursory+=1 end
if btn(4,0) then color = flr(rand(16)) end
Aw shot! didn't notice that, but then next i have another problem:
What i could tell is that the tutorial was made before some bugs were fixed in this version. :|
if (sp.t > sp.max_t15) then |
should be something like
if (sp.t > sp.max_t - 15) then |
here's code that runs: https://transfer.sh/ZksND/smoke.p8
though it doesn't look like it should, so there'll be a few more things to fix in there
thanks, this worked out, the picozine had grammatical errors sometimes, :P
Also, do anyone know how to make the player bump from the ceiling of the block and aswell how to do single-screen levels?
Yes, but it won't be of any use to you. Do you understand what the program from picozine does and how it works? There is no point in just typing in the source code. I recommend starting with something very very simple, like a pixel moved by arrow keys. Can you do that?
Yeah. Seems simple. i'm doing a platformer based off the tutorial from Picozine 2
Hey Dynamicill, if it helps here's a template I put together for making platformer games. I tried to comment it helpfully; it's an adaptation of this one: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2119. I copied it out manually to really get familiar with it.
Oop, here it is, I think this time.
Once having copied it out, I made the necessary changes where I saw fit. I aimed for it to be reasonably customisable, but it was intended for personal use so may be a bit of a hassle to reuse, best of luck regardless!
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