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Cart #17423 | 2015-12-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #17235 | 2015-11-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello! I'm Kyle. This is my first PICO-8 game. It's about frogs.

UPDATE: it has all the levels now! Will work on Title and End next.

UPDATE UPDATE: there is now a post-compo version that has a title and ending screen. Next: songs!

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: added a song to the ending. Dedicating this game to my wife, Tiffany, because it was her idea and it reminds me of our first date.

To do:

  1. Another level with a tea kettle -DONE
  2. Music -DONE
  3. Memories -NEVER MIND
  4. Title screen -DONE
  5. End -DONE
  6. ????

That's adorable! :D I love games about frogs where it's raining outside. :3 Good job, and very clever game design. <3

Have you made games before, outside of PICO-8? You seem to have quite a knack for it!

By the way, if this happens to be a PICO-8 jam entry, be sure to put "p8jam1" in the tags section of the topic post so that it shows up in the entries list before the deadline.

Great work, kyle! This is great! very impressive for your first pico8 game!

I got the teacup! not sure if there's more to do though.

Apparently you can bring the teacup back and sit with it. :3 It's nice~

Thanks y'all! There are two teacups right now. I've made other games, mostly in GameMaker (they're all over on my website, here). I'm enjoying PICO-8 a lot! It's fun to learn how to do things The Hard Way.

EDIT::: I totally thought I put the tag in, thanks for catching that! This forum seems Quite Nice.


Lovely little cute-vania. :]

Really love the mood and the level selection ! Can wait to play more !

Great game, I like the chill mood. Just sitting waiting for the tea to boil is cool.

So cute

Love it! Great art. I love those giant water drops.

Good job! We're in voting phase now, so don't replace the cart when you update, add a new one in a [hidden] section so it doesn't get judged until voting is over, okay?

Really cute game!

Woooow I love that transition between the rain and the underwater areas.

I love everything about this!

oh hey it's mr. lazercatz! I love your games!
so glad to see you here in PICO-8 land!
this game gives me nice feelings :)

Such a cute little game! I included it in my Pico-8 Jam #1 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/LE0NF8O7rUM

Thanks y'all again for being so kind. I'm almost done adding some little secrets and things to this game, will upload the final version soon.

I also included it in an article of my favorites! http://fireside.gamejolt.com/post/jam-favorites-pico-8-jam-1-putidgf8

This is ridiculously cool! Well done. Love it.

As mentioned by somebody else, the transition from swimming to walking blew my mind!

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