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I was recently pretty interested in fractals and had seen a few videos about them so i decided to try and make a mandelbrot fractal renderer, which in my opinion works pretty well

Cart #fractal_renderer-1 | 2025-03-03 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Explore the fractal with the arrow keys and zoom in with X and O

+ if you were interested in any other fractals than the Mandelbrot set, here is the burning ship fractal:

Cart #burning_ship_renderer-1 | 2025-03-03 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's some cool photos I found while exploring :D


Nice work! Reminds me of using Fractint in the 90s. Not sure but picotron might be roughly as powerful as that 486@25 MHz/4MB RAM system :)

If you plan to add anything, it might be nice if you could buffer some of the results around the view window, so that you can move just a little without forcing a full redraw? or e.g. so if I move the view left then right, it might still have some of those values that it computed a second ago.

First let me say: I love this so much! It looks so nice and it's fun to watch it render.

I've been modding it to add mouse support and would like to post my results here if you don't mind.

@Nomenclature2357 thank you so much and feel free, can’t wait to see it :D

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