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NOTE: New update to version 1.01. Read the change log for more info!

Cart #celeste_maker_v1_01-0 | 2025-03-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey you! Have you ever wanted to make your own Celeste levels, but have no idea how to use Pico8 what-so-ever? Well now you can with Celeste Maker, a simple level-pack editor to design your very own level-pack and save it with others!

How do I use the editor?

The editor interface is decently simple.
Use the arrows to move the player (and camera).
To draw terrain and place objects, simply click on an element in the topbar, and start drawing.
The tiles will (usually) automatically connect themselves. You can erase tiles by clicking on the eraser on the sidebar

If you want to change specific tiles, you can utilize the Magic Wand tool.
This wand can be used to modify objects and get just the right terrain tile you wan.
And it's all with a single click too! (or multiple)

You can also change the music playing for each level with the small symbol at the bottom.
And on top of that, you can switch between rooms and delete rooms as well.

Finally, you can go into the level settings to edit background colors,
your level name, and other stuff.

How do I save and load levels?

To save the level, you click the little floppy disk on the sidebar, you will hear a jingle, then
a message to copy the level code via Ctr+C. Make sure to make this code somewhere like a text document or text editor.

To load your levels to play or continue editing them is roughly the same. Click the clipboard button, then paste (Ctr+V) your level code into the editor.


Change Log


  • Fixed a bug that overwrites the player spawn via dragging a tile onto it
  • You can now edit the memorial text
  • You can now change the tile color for each room
  • Wand Tool tiles are slightly more intuitive
  • Tweeked level codes, 1.0 levels CAN NOT load anymore
  • Some boring token optimizations that no one cares about


  • Released, was a silly little idea in my head
  • Let's see how far this idea goes haha

Too cool to be true!


the autotiling is really good, nice one!

Awesome! If you are taking suggestions for improvements, I might add being able to remove the side and bottom bars for easy access for editing? Right now I cant place tiles where the side bar would be, and my game then looks a little weird once I hit play. Again, awesome mod!

what how

Oh hey, its the guy who commented on my mod!

This mod is crazy! I used to love playing Mario Maker and now theres this for me to enjoy! Thank you for making this.

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