Hello, my name is Andrews and this is my first game in Pico8. It's a little plataformer in which you can explore this abandoned laboratory with Roboki, a little blue robot with red shoes. And, it's my first time composing music too (I think it turned out ok, but next time I will make my best). Feel free to remix this cartridge, just remember to credit me :3.
I hope you like and I already have plans for future projects, this is only the first one, so stay tune. And please, don't be shy to give your review on the game, I would love to hear you all :).
Olá, meu nome é Andrews e esse é meu primeiro jogo no Pico8. É um pequeno jogo de plataforma no qual você pode explorar este laboratório abandonado com Roboki, um pequeno robô azul com sapatos vermelhos. E também é a primeira vez que componho uma música (acho que ficou bom, mas da próxima vez farei o meu melhor). Sinta-se à vontade para remixar este cartucho, mas lembre-se de me dar os créditos :3.
Espero que gostem e já tenho planos para projetos futuros, esse é só o primeiro, então fiquem de olho. E, por favor, não tenha vergonha de dar sua opinião sobre o jogo, eu quero ouvir a opinião de todos :).
Hola, me llamo Andrews y este es mi primer juego en Pico8. Es un pequeño juego de plataformas en el que puedes explorar un laboratorio abandonado con Roboki, un pequeño robot azul con zapatos rojos. Además, es mi primera vez componiendo música (creo que quedó bien, pero la próxima vez haré lo mejor que pueda). Siéntete libre de remezclar este cartucho, solo recuerda darme crédito :3.
Espero que te guste y ya tengo planes para proyectos futuros, este es solo el primero, así que estate atento. Y, por favor, no seas tímido para dar tu opinión sobre el juego, me encantaría escucharlos a todos.
Utilicé Google Translate para hacer la localización al español. Si hay algún problema (que probablemente sea así), por favor dímelo en los comentarios para que pueda solucionarlo. Gracias.
Update Log 1.1:
- Map was changed a little bit so It can be easier.

Nice platform game. Some feedbacks from me:
- The spike detection is a bit strict, even if one foot is still on the conveyor belt, as long as there is a spike under the other foot, the player will get hurt :(
- Maybe make the camera smoother? I felt like the screen moved a little bit too fast when jumping on the springs.
- You can use
palt(color, transparent)
to use a color other than black as transparent when drawing the player. (I'm not sure if the transparent body is intentional, just in case you didn't know.)

Thanks @lily.kensa, I didn't know about the transparency thing.

I love the mechanics. You have something so joyous about it. The character sprite is just right. Maybe some clues when a character gets stuck? I can see a series of these with the same character and mechanics

Thanks for the feedback @MadeInNL. Multiple languages is something i thought since the beggining. Acess to languages it's a question of acessibility, and I wanted this game to be extremely acessible to everyone. And, when I designed the character, I fully imagined him in a series of games in the pc and mobile (maybe console too).

Great little platformer.
Loved the fading PICO-8 logo that transitions from the boot sequence.
Game-play is OK as is, but I'd recommend a few visual improvements :
camera :
currently, it's just centered on the player or aligned to the map borders.
This looks a bit rough, especially when jumping.
You could implement a simple dead zone in the middle for starters.
Since up and down pad directions are unused, you could ive the player the ability to look up and down. It would be also nice to give the ability to automatically look ahead : if the player moves horizontally without hitting anything, let the camera move slightly faster than the player so you get progressively more screen used for what comes in front of the player.
you can also use horizontal floors and ceilings as camera blockers for example.
Player : use palt() and a color other than black for transparency, so the background doesn't show through the player.
Conveyor belts : You can animate the belts by using time based palette shifting. (time() and pal)
Spikes :
Difficulty wise, your spikes are OK, but their hit boxes are bigger than their onscreen presentation, witch makes them feel unfair. Either reduce the pixel hit box to 6px tall, witch in turn might need handling of mid tile walk collision, or make the spike graphics 8px tall.

That was a lot of fun! I love Collect-a-Thon platformers and metroidvanias.

This is delightful. Was very fun. I agree with others that the spike detection is a bit strict.
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