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Cart #tuzejazeda-0 | 2025-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Conway's Game of Life

Ive been learning how to code PICO-8 - making other games, but I did this as a little side project - implementing Conway's Game of Life on Pico-8

Probably next steps are

  • play / pause
  • editing
  • sharing / seeds?


This is my first Pico-8 "game", if anyone has any suggestions for features that would be awesome! Thanks!

Have Fun!

Thank you!

pretty neat


Read up on seeding the world — there’s a cool threshold that is fun to tinker with (somewhere between 40-60% coverage at initial seed) — which if you randomize the seed could generate really fun to watch resets.

I enjoy testing out coding languages using game of life myself. Did so recently just didn’t publish it.

Also look at wrap around if you aren’t yet. That was a fun challenge.


@furious awesome - thanks for the feedback! Now you have mentioned it - I can imagine wrap around would make things a bit more interesting / fun to watch - ill take a run at it some point!

I did have a WebGL / JS Game of Life somewhere - but of course - I can't find it now lol, probably on a HDD somewhere ...

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