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Cart #stalagmite-0 | 2025-02-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A very difficult Celeste challenge level.
Good luck!

Made by me and kdx


but why

¿Qué es esto?

Levels like these... are the reason why Celeste players are tryhards and (likely) insane. I fear for those who try to beat this, and I fear those who do beat it.

Good level though, I can get about halfway through at best.


this world has nothing to offer me but pain , the time spent cast away like the child of an unwantting mother. the only truth i feel in this is that of certainty of failure of death all things come to an end and this will one day perish and born anew a world better than the last

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