While working on BLD (my boulderdash like), I have learnt a lot and had an idea...
I would like to make a pico - Choplifter.
Here is the first stone.
- Arrow keys to move
- x missile
- c bomb
You can take the guys on the floor on board. After landing at the base, they are rescued. I will limit the number of seats, bombs and missiles.
In the next coming release :
- tanks
- planes
- you will have to break the houses before the guys can exit (not too badly or you could hurt them)
Comments welcome :)

Gosh, it seems to move an awful lot faster when scrolling the screen than it does just hovering around... I'm really flying!

You will have to rescue some persons (after breaking the houses) and some ennemies : tanks, planes,... Flying is 8 time more faster than hovering around.

ohhh it's moving one map square at a time when I push the screen around.
Weird. But potentially interesting for gameplay??
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