I may not live but I don’t burn for now I rest in the peaceful hands of oblivion.
But seriously, this was great. I definitely had a heck ton of runs that died to nans (I sure do like explosives and sudden spears). But at the very end I managed to do it. I beat oblivion difficulty. So now my fingers can rest.
Side note. I was playing on a laptop until I decided to switch to my phone.
Beat it second try…huh. I guess you don’t need to pray for mobile users.
HOLD UP!!! I just noticed something!!! The person above best Oblivion difficulty but got plus 3000 for not getting hit but I apparently got hit three times?!?! You die when you get hit in oblivion difficulty…
Hmm…the only thing I can think that caused this to happen is that I got hit by the laser during the few seconds before it goes to the lore. But I didn’t die.
That’s the only thing I can think of…either way I may have to beat oblivion mode again if you don’t believe this is valid which is perfectly fine as I did say I was willing to put in the effort to complete the new difficulty.
But if you do believe this is a glitch then could you maybe add the 3000 for the leader board…actually it doesn’t really matter since I get third with or without it.
But it’s up to you now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go back into Oblivion to see if this was actually a glitch.

It's definitely a glitch. I don't get it. How am I getting hit? This doesn't make sense...On the bright side new best time :)
Also beat it on my laptop just to see if it was an issue on my phone but nope...welp, this sucks...lmao even I have been punished by the gods. Don't know what for though.

Hi, @I_Like_Nanners, I think it might not be a glitch, it also counts as a hit if you get hit by the explosion made by an enemy when the combo finishes, this mostly happends with the boss, but it can also happen with the little ones, maybe it is that.
Also, just broke the 2 minutes mark:

Finally got a new record lol, this took a while because I was trying to fight as many enemies as possible and often got myself killed with silly mistakes

@SmartAlloc You really don’t need to pr*y (typed it like this because of personal reasons, also I’m atheist—nothing against you, obviously!) for mobile users like me. I took out 3 crystals before getting overwhelmed on my way to the fourth (stupid nukes).
As someone who loves playing with palettes, I love your color selections! The tiles you used are awesome as well! And cool lore.
I used the sword on easy mode. Overall, great game!

I just finished the tutorial and have played a couple minutes of the game. You did a really good job with this. I like the bricks flying in to assemble the room each time you enter a new area. I also appreciate the humor. "I pray for the touch screen users," and the text of Apocrypha 1:1
are both excellent touches. Really, great job.
Seeing as this game has been out a while, you're probably aware of this, and maybe it serves a purpose, but the wall jump triggers when I wouldn't expect it to.

All of these jumps are performed with me holding down the up arrow and double-jumping. If I'm too close to the wall, I am shoved away when I reach the top of my jump. I feel like I should have to push into the wall in order to trigger this.
Edit: I experimented a little more, and this happens even if I am pressing no arrow keys at all.

@PoorCosmo That's actually a really good point, and something that irked me as well. It was originally something I did because I wanted to make the game as accessible as possible, and some players had trouble wall jumping when it required holding against the wall.
That being said, you'll be happy to hear the work-in-progress successor will require you to be sliding against the wall in order to perform a wall jump - in addition to tuning up how air dodges work to make them feel much better!

It's always good to consider accessibility. You could make it optional. It should only come down to an if
or two.

This sort of reminds me of hollow knight with the combat and difficulty and the dashing reminds me of celeste. Did you take inspiration from any of those?

Also the wave dashing. that seems to be based of smash melee.

@PulsingPlasma You've got great insight - Smash Bros was definitely the biggest inspiration. I used to play it competitively a bunch during the day, which is where the wavedashing came from lol. Oblivion Eve basically started as 'PvE Smash Bros where you bounce enemies off of walls to combo them to death'.
The dashing evolved naturally, but I'd say that it was probably partially inspired from Celeste's predecessor, Towerfall. So good eye!

This also reminds me of some bullet hell elements. (btw I found some strange bug. first it turned me invisible and I kept taking damage though nothing was hitting me.)

Finally beat all difficulty modes with a keyboard! Oblivion was definitely the hardest

Hello @SmartAlloc - just wondering how much of a struggle was it to stay within the token limit? I'm just starting with pico 8, but I've found the token limit specifically to be a barrier for me. It really limits my ability to add mechanics, effects, etc. My game is very simple compared to what you've built here, so I'm curious how you managed the token limit. Can you share anything about that?

@sgtkup It was actually a very difficult struggle lmao. Definitely something that forces you to write incredibly efficient code, which is very much something that is learned over time. I will say, the Pico-8 community (I mostly interact on the Discord server) is incredibly helpful at teaching ways to make games as tight as possible.
I also recommend shrink08, as it provides a way to minify your code to reduce tokens and compression size: https://github.com/thisismypassport/shrinko8
Additionally, I used a function to store large amounts of code as strings, which meant said code wasn't using tokens. This is very much a last resort though, as obfuscates code heavily, and I'd only really recommend it after optimizing everything else as much as possible.

I have returned from hiatus with a new pb! just mild improvements but still pretty good

@SmartAlloc Nah, you don’t need to censor the F-word. Maybe put like a trigger warning or make an option to hide/show it if you want.
Cool game, by the way.

i got the third sub 3

Sometimes when I play this game I forget that I'm on a pico-8 website, I feel like I'm playing a professionally developed game that costs like $30. Also, I tried out you oblivion mode, Its an excellent challenge but i died right before the third boss did.

Listening to Metal Gear: Rising music whilst fighting the lvl 1 boss on 1 hp goes so unimaginably hard.

@I_Like_Nanners you can get damage reduction upgrades to survive a single hit (HOPEFULLY) cause that worked for me

Absolutely incredible.
I did find the shakiness of the screen border to be a bit too much, but that's just a personal preference.
This game is beautiful though, I could see myself sinking a lot of hours into this
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