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Cart #mushroomrivals-0 | 2025-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Player 1: arrow keys
Player 2: S, F, E, D


On a beautiful autumn day, you decide to go mushroom picking (in a randomly generated landscape). Then the worst thing that can happen to a mushroom picker happens: another mushroom picker is already present in the same area.

You'll have to fight hard to fill your basket with the best edible mushrooms and bring them home. Unless, of course, you'd rather bring dangerous mushrooms to your opponent's house... The choice is yours.



+10pts (Boletus)
+15pts (Morel)
+25pts (Amanita Caesarea)


-10pts (Fly agaric)
-20pts (Amanita Phalloides)

Behind The Scenes

Mushroom Rivals is multiplayer only (2 players) (at least for now). It's my first Pico 8 experience, and not far from being my first video game programming experience.

I'll be happy to take your feedback to improve.


[email protected]
https://www.youtube.com/@Barjo-diy (diy projects, with or without code)

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