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Cart #minesweeper_10-0 | 2025-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made this a while back when I was freshly new to pico-8, this was the first game I actually put effort in and im actually pretty proud with how it came out. The code is probably a mess since it was my first project.

Default Controls:
Arrows to move
O -- Flag
X -- Reveal / Select Menu


Very nice. Perfectly playable as is, but still some room for improvement.

A few suggestions if you want to improve it :

  • timer and saved high score
  • place the mines only once the 1st cell is cleared so you can't die on 1st reveal.
  • change the chord mechanic to reveal if number of flags=tile number. The current logic to reveal if flags around cells are all well placed is very cheesable.
  • more readable game over screen : keep well placed flags as flags so they stay distinct from undiscovered bombs. Mark wrong flags more clearly as mistakes.
  • mouse support
  • custom grid (size & bombs)
  • local multiplayer (with separate high score table)
  • register diagonal movements if multiple directions (btnp) occur on the same frame.
  • 1st btnp delay is a bit long
  • progressive reveal instead of instant when hitting a 0.

@RealShadowCaster yooo thanks so much for this feedback, honestly didn’t expect any :D You make very valid points on how to improve the game, thanks :)

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