This is a version of Conway's Game of Life with PVP support! It's inspired by/based on this DougDoug stream: A Crew VS. Z Crew in Conway's Game of Life.
The rules are very similar to regular Conway's Game of Life.
- Any living cell with < 2 living neighbors dies (underpopulation)
- Any living cell with 2 or 3 living neighbors lives
- Any living cell with > 3 living neighbors dies (overpopulation)
- Any dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors lives (reproduction)
However, there are two colors, red and blue. For rules (2) and (4), when the cell lives, it will match the color of its adjacent cells. If there are more red adjacent cells, it will become red. If there are more blue adjacent cells, it will become blue. If there are an equal number of red and blue adjacent cells, it will randomly choose one.
The grid is 25x25, and it wraps around.
Place red cells with LMB
Place blue cells with RMB
Erase cells with MMB
Change the simulation speed with Scroll
Step the simulation with O (Z)
Run the simulation with X (X)
Reset simulation with R
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