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Hello all! I am new to Pico-8 and emulation as a whole. I recently got a RG35XXSP and bought Pico-8. I moved over the files people told me to, changed the core to Pico-8, and even got a game to run, but Splore isn't popping up in the Pico-8 directory. All the videos I saw, the second they got out of a game, Splore would populate the directory and they could use it but it's not working for me. Am I missing something?

Also sorry if this isn't the right category for this. I'm in a hurry to post something so I can sleep for work.

Don't know if it's the same on that handheld, but on my RGB30 with ArkOS the instructions I followed had me create an empty file named zzzsplore.p8 in the folder with the rest of the carts and that's how I launch Splore. I'm not sure the "zzz" is necessary, but if your carts are sorted alphabetically it helps ensure that Splore is easy to find by always being the last thing in the list.

Ok. Thank you, I will try that when I get home and report back!

Alright, update.

I found out I just simply didn't have the splore.p8.png file. I got it, move over another file I was told to into the bios pico8 folder. And when I try to launch the splore png file it says that it can not be found. I should specify I'm using muOS on the RG35XXSP, does splore just not work on muOS?

No idea about muOS, sorry. There's probably someone here using your same setup though, maybe they will be able to help.

Did you manage to get this sorted Anubibi?

If you didn't here's what I did to get Pico-8 working on MuOS:

1) Download the Raspberry Pi version of Pico-8
2) Extract these three files: pico8_64 pico8_dyn pico8.dat
3) Copy them to MUOS/emulator/pico8
4) Make an empty text file and save it as Splore.p8 (make sure that it isn't saved as Splore.p8.txt, that won't work)
5) Copy your Splore.p8 file to Roms/Pico8
6) On your RG35XXSP go to 'Explore Content', choose Pico-8, then when Splore is highlighted, press the Select button
7) Choose 'Assign Core' and scroll to 'PICO-8'
8) Highlight 'PICO-8 (External)' and press X
9) Now when you choose Splore from 'Explore Content' it should all work!

I have not. I moved my files, as I realized they weren't in the MUOS/emulator directory as I can't access that on my computer for some reason. Only on the device so I move them to the main directory on the SD card and move them via Dingux Commander to the correct place. But when I make the Splore.p8 file, I have to make it via making a text document. Then I change the file extension to a .png instead of .txt and it keeps giving me the error "Could not load /MNT/SDCARD/Roms/Pico-8/Splore.p8.txt" Despite me changing the extension to .png. It shows as a png via my computer so I'm very confused.

Nevermind. I got it. I didn't realize that even after changing the file over to a different extension that it would still have the .txt on it. I also didn't realize that the file didn't need an extension other than .p8

I assumed it needed to be .p8.png like all the other games, but I guess splore isn't really a game. I looked it up a bit more and saw someone saying just delete the .txt file extension and leave it as .p8. Ignore the warning windows gives and it just works now. Thank you all for the help!

I don't know if there's a way I mark this post as answered or whatever, I'm still very new to all this so if someone could tell me that would be great lmao. Again thank you for the help!

I'm running into the same issue, but have followed the exact same steps (including saving the exact dummy file on this site) but still zilch. Any thoughts?

Figured it out! Like Anubibi I had .txt at the end of the file but couldn't view or remove it on Windows so I changed it on my Anbernic (Applications -> Dingux Commander)

im having the some porblem running it on knulli for the rg35xxsp, is there a fix that anyone knows of?

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