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Give my new album a look! You can find it in a separate spoiler below, labeled "Gifts!"


Save system has been updated. Read the changelog for date 1/8/25!

Hey all!

We're getting closer and closer!

All that is left is:

  • Level decorating
  • Expert mode (The flesh out)
  • Whatever else I feel like adding if there's room...

As always...

Pardon our dust...

Cart #picovania-201 | 2025-01-30 | Embed ▽ | No License


Press ⬅️ and ➡️ to move left and


Press ⬇️ to duck

Press ⬆️ or ⬇️ in front of a stair
railing to ascend or descend stairs
as appropriate

Press ❎ to jump

Press 🅾️ to use your whip

Hold ⬆️ and press 🅾️ to throw a
sub weapon


  • Whip candles to collect sub weapons,
    hearts and money bags

  • Hearts supply you with ammo for your
    sub weapon

  • Money bags award points

    • Collect a porkchop to gain 6 health, up to a maximum of 16
  • Collect the Multi stone for Multi Shot, which allows you to have more sub weapons on-screen
    at once!
    • Multi Shot can be upgraded twice, but if you collect a different sub weapon or die you will lose it

I will update this post to keep everyone up to speed when I upload a new cart. Check out the spoiler
below if you're interested!

Change Log:

(1/30/25 Minor)

  • Fixed a wall shunting bug when the player wasn't stuck, but was merely inside a two tile high passage.
  • Fixed being able to throw more subweapons than allowed
  • Level 4 background palette fixed


  • Level 4 has been decorated up to just before block 12
  • Player jump has been reworked a bit
    • The apex of the jump now has a slight bit of hang time. This should make 3 tile wide gaps just a little more tolerable
  • Fixed the flutter movement of small hearts


  • Added expert mode files for level 1, 2 and 3 in cart data called "TRY IT". You can try out expert levels!
  • Added a custom pause feature with sfx
  • You can now back all the way out to the title screen, if you wish
    • Leaving the game idle anywhere on the file select screen, (except the delete/copy confirm screens) after a bit will send you back to the title screen
  • Interrupting a demo now cuts all sfx


  • Level 3 decorations in place
    • Secret moai statue added...somewhere...
  • Certain candles in every stage have a high chance of dropping a multi shot if you hit them with a subweapon, and enough enemies have been destroyed


  • File select screen has been spruced up with color and better feedback all around
  • Rain effect has been adjusted, per Discord feedback!
  • Fishmen spawner should behave properly when stopwatch is active
  • Phantom bat's buffet now ends if it was defeated while buffeting
  • If the player dies while phantom bat is buffeting, he roars in triumph
  • If you manage to defeat the phantom bat while leaving the spike wall intact, if you then destroy it before collecting the orb you get a 2000 point bonus


  • A save file named "TRY IT" has been added to the cart save location, Slot 3

    • Use this to try out expert mode without needing to unlock it first
  • Stage 3 decorating in the works
    • added expert mode exclusive super secret
  • Added weather and rain to stage 3 for expert mode
    • New graphics and sfx to accompany this new effect!
    • Upper floors have gusts of wind that will disrupt your platforming
    • Ravens can't handle the wind, and will go POP!
  • Point values are now correct for all treasures
    • Moai statue added to Block 5, Floor 2 in expert mode (4000 points!)
    • easter egg sound effect for this treasure


  • Phantom bat now has a buffeting phase for expert mode
    • New graphics and sounds for this content
    • Phantom bat also has a pinch mode after this phase
  • Adjusted hitboxes of some weapons for better balance. No more boomerangs passing through Axe Knight axes...
  • Control delay for backward jumping has been restored


  • The gate cutscene has had construction props removed, and the castle has been doodled in
    • Two bats and a cloud have been added
  • Frankenstein's monster now has a wall slam for expert mode

    • If you don't jump when he slams the wall you will be stunned
    • The slam causes ceiling blocks to rain down on you
  • First art pass for level 2 complete

    • Minor enemy and candle placement tuning for level 2 to flow better with the new art
    • Minor level 2 layout alterations to flow batter with the new art
  • Crushers have received some visual polish in the form of placing a cap over the shaft where it flickered


  • Save system has been beefed up:
    • You can now choose between saving on the cart or in appdata with ⬅️ and ➡️
    • Cart saves are NOT BBS compatible, use appdata while playing on BBS!
    • this will become the working folder while playing
  • Games can be selected, copied and deleted from either location by choosing the desired location
  • Games can also be copied from one save location to the other


  • 3 attract mode demos have been added
  • Experimenting with on-cart saves


  • First art pass for level 1
  • Some sprite touch-ups to improve readability against something other than black
  • Castle entrance rebuilt


  • Bat boss now fires fireballs for expert mode
  • Medusa now has a stone gaze for expert mode. Don't look at it!
  • "Weapon error" glitch has been fixed, and the handler is no longer necessary
  • Landing after taking damage, and then jiggling rapidly has been fixed.



  • Voyager has had one note extended. Minor, but it was bugging me


  • Dracula and the Curse of Man have been added
  • Victory fanfare for completing the game is implemented
  • End cutscene has been added
  • Work on Expert mode has begun
    • Currently, enemies move faster, and there are more of them in places
    • Expert mode badge is applied to the hud while playing an Expert mode game
  • New wall and ceiling checking code for a better solution
    • If you are partly inside a wall, the game will try to push you out
    • If there is a ceiling tile directly above simons head he cannot jump


  • Glitchy-looking chunk transitions have been fixed
    • Stages 6, 17 and 18 have been added, and have been filled out with candles and enemies
    • New entrance for stage 16
    • Behavior tweaks to bat boss to allow him to be used as a mook
    • Skeleton bone throwing arc has been extended a bit. No more small lobs...
    • Final area has been included, but only has a placeholder coffin for now, no boss just yet



  • Walking on the Edge has been adjusted to let the notes hold for a bit longer
  • Nothing to Lose adjusted to subdue notes


  • Level 5 has been filled out with enemies and candles
  • Death boss battle has been added
  • Rooms with multiple secrets are now supported
  • Whip upgrade item drops have been reworked
    • Two whip upgrades cannot spawn at the same time
    • When a whip upgrade is collected, a cooldown timer is initiated.
      Whip upgrades cannot spawn within this window. Using your whip to
      defeat enemies decreases the cooldown more quickly
  • Stub for level 6 has been added



  • Out of time has been slightly reworked for a fuller sound


  • New cart label is in place
  • Level 4 has been filled out with candles and enemies
  • Frankenstein's monster and Igor boss have been added
  • Eagles have been added. They carry fleamen, and wont hesitate to drop them on you
  • Skele-dragons have been added. they are surprisingly quick, and like to stay out of reach
  • Red skeletons have been added. Slow moving enemies that can't be killed, only immobilized for a brief time
  • Axe Knights have been added. They maintain distance, and throw axes. Their armor is tough.
  • Stub for level 5 is in place. That's it, though.



  • Prologue has been filled out with a 4th channel, as well as reworked the other channels to make it fit


  • Death has been added. His erratic movements make him hard to hit, and his scythes will surround you
  • First chunk of level 4 has been filled out with candles and enemies
  • Reworked item collision for more reliable pickups
  • If you attempt to throw a sub-weapon, but then take a hit before it
    flies, your ammo is refunded. Not applicable to the stopwatch.
  • (12/2/24)

  • Level 3 has been populated with candles and enemies
    • The unreachable secret from the original game is now collectable... or is it?


  • Special super secret has been added... somewhere. Can you find it?
  • Level 3 has been blocked out. No enemies or candles, yet
  • Mummy bosses have been added
  • Fall transition to Level 4 has been added
  • First chunk of level 4 has been blocked out. No enemies or candles, yet



  • Walking on the Edge has had some percussion added
  • Underground has been Changed to be more bassy, and also more harmonious(?)


  • Brand new sprites for Simon have been added, drawn by @Retro_Pup_Pico_8. Many thanks go to them for their
    fantastic work!
  • Collisions have been retooled for the whip and weapons against enemies. Hits should be MUCH more sensible now
  • Ravens have been added. They swoop down, and attempt to collide with you
  • My first home made Power up, the infinite shot, has been added. Collect it to get unlimited simultaneous weapons
    onscreen for about 10 seconds. Beware... after the time is up, not only do you bust back to single shot, all on
    screen subweapons are destroyed, including the one you have equipped


  • New powerup has been added: The infinite shot. Once collected, you can throw an unlimited number of sub-weapons while your ammo holds out, for ten seconds. Afterward, you're left with single shot, and no sub-weapon, and all onscreen sub-weapons are destroyed
  • Level loading bug has been fixed!
  • Skeleton collision has been tweaked to allow for more interesting gameplay
  • ammo economy has been adjusted


  • Rest of level 2 has been blocked out, and missing enemies have been placed
  • Medusa boss has been added
  • Swooping bat has been added
  • Ghost spawners have been added
  • Beginnings of level 3 in place. No more than that, though


  • Lingering issue with File select screen have been fixed
  • An enemy drop system has been added. How many enemies you've destroyed will determine what you MIGHT get
  • Some polish to the Phantom Bat's animation
  • Proper points awarded for the different enemies,
    as well as for weapon combos (sincere thanks go to @Retro_Pup_Pico_8 for the research!)
  • Ghosts have been added
  • Fleamen have been tweaked (I just can't leave those dudes alone...)
  • 1ups have been added. They currently have a 1% chance to drop instead of a multishot



  • Whole soundtrack was re-recorded to up the volume a bit
  • Underground has been filled out more
  • Gate has been renamed to Prologue
  • Vampire killer received small tweaks to fades
  • Stalker now has even more oomph in the bass
  • Wicked Child has had a pass to bring more balance, and make some notes more distinct
  • Walking on the Edge has had a few cuts added to many notes
  • Out of time has had cuts added to notes. It sounded kinda "Whiney" to me before...
  • Nothing to lose has had minor alterations to the drum line
  • Voyager has been cleaned up a bit



  • Underground song has been made more accurate
  • File select "Copy Mode" has been added
    • Progress should be properly recorded in all instances
  • You can now skip the map cutscene if you get there by loading a saved game.
  • Beginning of some code TLC. Let me know if anything gets caught sideways
  • Skeletons have been added. Very nimble for what they are. Don't underestimate them!
  • Fleamen have been tweaked, and new mechanics added
    • Now, if you are invincible, they run away...
    • They're a bit faster now
    • small tweaks to map


  • Track 1 has been given its proper name (Underground) as well as been trimmed properly
  • Bonus guest album Castlevania III No Densetsu or Whatever has been added



  • A File select screen has been added.
    • Choose New game to enter your name in a slot (No blank names allowed, unless you use space...hmm)
    • Choose a slot with an existing name to load
    • Use Delete a file to clear a slot, but be careful as it is permanent!
  • level 2 has been built out a bit. It is still incomplete, buts we're getting there!
  • Flying Medusa heads, have been added. Their sinusoidal pattern can make them tricky...
  • Fleamen have been added. They hop around like crazy, and are a general nuisance.


  • The File select tune has been added


  • Player animation and control polish
  • Full Soundtrack is in! This will be the beginning of change logs for it.
  • Knight has been added. He will give chase if he sees you
  • Fishmen have been polished
  • Bats have been tweaked
  • Slight map changes, some enemies and candles added
  • Map Screen has been added, showing where the player will start, and where to find the boss
  • First area of level 2 has been added. Nothing more... Plenty of messages, though.
  • The bat boss now has hitstun
  • Slight rework of stopwatch mechanics all around

  • Nothing to Lose has been added
  • Heart of Fire has been added
  • Bat has been added to the title screen. He's just a placeholder until I can get one of my very own
  • Panther has been added. A fast moving cat that can sneak up if you aren't careful
  • Fishmen have been added. They burst from the murky waters and belch fire. Tread lightly
  • Reworked the map a bit to utilize the new enemies
  • Simon can now jump backwards if you tap the rear direction, and press jump at the same time
  • Made a pass over some animations


  • This release was me taking a small break from coding to work on some music

    • Stalker has been added
    • Wicked Child has been added
    • Walking on the Edge has been added
  • Made a pass over gameplay and visuals to be a little more polished and readable,
  • Crushers have been added, but wont be used in the first level
  • Dialed in the boss' behavior


  • Moved some stuff around on the map...
  • Polish on the boss
  • Fixed Multishot getting broken
  • Simon now has a moment of hitstun
  • Tweaked the axe hitbox a bit
  • Adjusted Simon's walking speed


  • More work has been done on scoring. There are now multi hit combos and more money bags
  • Secret areas and breakable walls have been added! Can you find them all?
  • Bats have been added
  • The boss has arrived! He is pretty tough... I may have to nerf him... like, a lot.
  • First stage now has just about everything to be considered a complete first draft!


  • Level loading issue has been fixed!
  • Tweaked a few sound effects
  • Added a more dynamic health bar


  • Map has been expanded. Only rough dev art for now
  • Castle entrance has been added
  • Zombies have been added. They're numerous, but slow and weak
  • Initial work on a scoring system has begun
  • Brazier candles have been added


  • Added door transitions
  • A new area is in place, That boss position is vacant...


  • Porkchop has been added. Collect it to gain 6 health
  • Bone towers have been added. Watch out for their fireballs!
  • Map layout has...changed? Castlevania itself is a creature of chaos, after all
  • Damage functions are enabled
  • Tweaked a few hit boxes for some balance
  • Intro is in... Mind the construction, and wear your hard hat. Don't lose it...


  • Work on title screen has begun. Artwork by the ever talented Cephaccino!
  • A stub has been added for the intro. It's left disabled for now


  • Added HUD to Game Over screen
  • Added a few more platforms to play with, and rearranged some candles
  • Revisited Vampire Killer to sound a little less harsh (I'll get it eventually...)


  • Floating platforms have been added
  • Initial map loading is implemented. Use the stairs to traverse the different levels
    • Lower level added to try it out
  • Still tuning the stairs. They're still not quite perfect, but getting there...

  • Made another pass over music and SFX, to balance audio and to prevent clobbering


Alright, peeps. I need to do some research on map manipulation and loading.

Let's see what I can learn, then I can continue! In the meantime, let me know how

the current features feel.

  • Made another pass on the stage one music, and rebalanced the audio


  • Added stage one music
  • tweaked a few sfx and instruments

I'll have to make another pass to try and eliminate sfx clobbering


  • Added a victory state, it currently just sends you back to the title screen
  • Added some more music, victory and game over


  • Game is now fullscreen, gameplay and hud adjusted accordingly
  • Axe now has a new feature: when throwing an axe, hold the movement arrow in the direction you're facing
    to throw it farther
  • boomerang now goes faster to cover the screen


  • Candle contents take some context
  • took a crack at fixing the stairs
  • You can now travel up and down on the stairs,
    it's the same area, but im testing transitions
  • Fixed subweapons not throwable after dying
  • Tweaked small heart to drift to the left first
  • Continuing from game over resets score


  • Adjusted some sfx
  • Tweaked hitboxes for whip and all subweapons
  • Fixed stopwatch not honoring the ammo cost
  • Added initial multishot
  • Stopwatch tuned so you can only throw it once
  • Multishot added. Collect a II to double your shots, collect a III to triple!
  • if you have no subweapon or a stopwatch, they give points instead
  • small score graphics added


  • Added in some SFX

  • Adjusted hit boxes to more closely
    match visual feedback

  • New playground map with candles to


Initial release on Picotron!



  • Several powerups have been added, as well as all sub-weapons
    • Stopwatch: Freezes time to give you some room to breath, but it costs quite a few hearts to use
    • Cross: Emits a blinding holy light, destroying all enemies on screen! One use on pickup only.
    • Invisibility potion: Makes you invincible for about ten seconds.
  • The whip upgrade is now fully working. Grab 1 to get a chain whip. Grab another to make it longer!
  • I've sprinkled candles throughout the level to play with. Every available item and sub-weapon should be attainable, but some of the more valuable stuff is placed in harder to reach areas. Can you find them all?
  • First Enemy has been added; The Bone Tower! (Thanks again for the art @HeyNetters. I saw your Bone tower and
    was inspired for my first enemy!)
    • Acts more like a sentry than anything, but where it lacks in mobility it makes up for in toughness. Recommend at
      least a chain to deal with these guys. Watch your footing...


  • I've decorated the map a bit, using assets and ideas provided by @HeyNetters. Many thanks go to them for the art! This is all preliminary for now, but these just looked too good to not include them.

  • Chain upgrade has been added. The chain graphics reflect the first upgrade, and the added length reflect the second. Collect the whip powerup to upgrade.

  • Gameplay pause added upon collection of the whip powerup.

  • Whip has been fixed so that you can no longer hit things behind you. Still need to look into that janky

  • Thanks to suggestions from @dw817, Simon's walk speed has been increased a bit, with matching animation. The whip also stays out for just a bit longer.

  • Minor changes to small heart to keep it from flying around so much.
  • Tweaking pass on SFX.


Sorry for the long delay, guys. I recently started a new job, and I have less time to work on this project now. I do, however, fully intend to see this project to completion. I need to work on some systems that can cut down on repeated code in here, as the token count is getting dangerously high. Despite that, I'm happy with where it is at so far. Let me know how you guys like it!

  • Candles have been added. Until I can work out a feasible spawning system, these are hard coded. Whip them to make
    items come out.

  • I have mocked up a status bar along the top of the screen. This is all subject to change as I figure out what will
    fit and what will not.

  • A game clock is in place. It ticks down in seconds, and once it reaches zero, you're dead. There isn't much you
    can do about it at the moment, but I thought it would be fun to add, and it was really simple to implement. The
    clock will even start to beep after awhile, just to give you some unnecessary stress.

  • Hearts have been added. You now have a limited stock of ammunition. Whip candles to find more.


  • Boomerang can now be caught. Small reason to post an update, but I thought it was important.

  • Boomerang graphics rearranged so it animates like in the original game.

    This may be the last update for a little bit. The code for climbing stairs MUST be rewritten before I will
    continue. While it works great as it is, the code is just too darned bloated right now.


  • All throwable weapons have been added. Hold ❎ and press ⬆️ or ⬇️ to cycle through them,
    and press ⬆️ and 🅾️ to throw one. Like before, you can throw 3 at a time!

  • Holy water was redrawn to not be so huge.


  • Holy water has been added, press ⬆️ and 🅾️ to throw it. You can throw 3 at a time.

  • Simon's sprite has been redrawn to make him more detailed and look a lot less scrawny. Many thanks go to the
    Discord community for their feedback on this matter!


  • Stairs now work in all 4 directions.

  • Plenty of stairs have been added to the map, so play around and let me know if anything breaks horrifically.

  • It is no longer possible to jump when a block is directly above the player.


  • Commented out the code and formatted it so anybody could take a look and decipher it all...

  • Taking a hit will now interrupt your attack.

  • Player can no longer warp through the ceiling when hurt.


  • Player health, hurt state and death are implemented. There aren't any enemies yet, so for now you
    can press ⬆️ and ❎ to beat yourself up. These are disabled while on stairs...

  • Continue screen has been added

  • Made a pass on music and sound effects. I feel like the music instrumentation is way better now, and many of the
    sound effects are improving as well!

  • Initial HUD elements added. There are here only for a visual to pair with testing health and lives for now.


  • Changes to walk and stair climbing movement and animation speed. It felt just a tad sluggish before...


  • Stairs are in progress. Right now there is only up-right and down-left movement, but this is a pretty good proof of concept. Whip is disabled for now while climbing them until I flesh out that aspect.

  • The bottom of the screen is now a bottomless pit, and you will die and be reset.

  • A small map to test out the mechanics and play around in.

  • Preliminary artwork has been added to make the view a little more interesting


  • Jump physics have been reworked and the jank is now gone for the most part. I feel like the jumping is in a pretty good spot now.

  • Initial work on the whip has been started. The animation is just a little janky, but I'm working on that :)

  • I am currently prototyping ideas for stairs. I haven't added stairs yet, so don't try...


  • Basic movement is implemented; Walking, ducking, jumping and hard landing are in. There is one little niggle
    with collision and platforming. I'm sure you guys will know when you find it. (Edit) I've created a temporary workaround
    for this. Please let me know if you like how it handles. Collision is still not perfect, and you might still get
    hung up, but I'm working on that.

  • First draft of music has been created. Let me know how you like it! I might need to shift things around a bit
    before I release: I've not included everything I'd like to, and I've run out of room due to some initial (less
    than optimal) SFX layout choices.


  • I've tweaked the jump physics to more closely match the original game.

  • Invisible walls have been added. I wanted a way to create impassible areas without changing the collision.
    You can test this out near the lone block on the right.

    Now is the time where I sit down and take a class on Picomap by @JadeLombax. I may as well get this figured out
    and implemented now, since stairs will likely rely on it...


I've shifted my focus a bit to mitigate burnout, and been working on this for awhile.
I hope you like it! I've also included a bonus!

I present to you...

Music covered by me (Turbochop)

Artwork by @HeyNetters

I really like how the music is turning out, and wanted to share it with you guys as a separate, polished release!

The artwork is an early label that is being developed, and I mocked up an album cover from that!

Please note that like the game, this album is constantly being developed and subject to change in its entirety.

To that effect, here is a Dropbox link to the zip:

Picovania: The Soundtrack

(Alternate Link)


Check back as the project develops to grab an up-to-date copy. I will be logging updates to the soundtrack in the change log now as well!

But that's not all...

Bonus? Bonus!

It is my great honor to include this bonus disk 2...

Composed by Kirby Pufocia, Castlevania III No Densetsu or Whatever combines the strengths of the music from
Akumajou Densetsu and Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse!

The good bits from Castlevania III that were missing from Akumajou Densetsu? They're here!

That overpowering sawtooth in Akumajou Densetsu? Completely gone!

The compositions are absolutely breathtaking, and it is abundantly clear that each track was a labor of love.

I'm offering this bonus album in accordance with Creative Commons license version 3

If you think Kirby's music is just freaking awesome, consider buying a copy from Bandcamp!

Castlevania III No Densetsu or Whatever

Alternate link:


Happy whipping, Hunters!



Happy to do more sprites now that the sprite cap is lifted! We could make it really gorgeous!


(Huge, over dramatic gasp)
@HeyNetters?! Oh my gosh! I was actually thinking of your work when I picked this project back up, musing about how cool it would be to collaborate. I would be honored to have you!

I'd like to stick with the 8x8 aesthetic for now, as well as pico 8's palette. If you have discord, or some other preferred method of communication, please let me know.

Top billing, man. That is what you'll get. On the title screen, front and center! Your work deserves no less.


I'm cephaccino on the PICO-8 discord!

Hey @JadeLombax. Would your picomap project work on Picotron?


Hmm, I haven't thought of that. I'm sure a version of it could, but I don't know how much work would be involved in adapting it. Also, because the cartridges can store 8x as much, and some map compression seems to be baked in, I don't know if it would be necessary for a lot of projects. I think the world map for Castlevania could actually fit fine in one Pico-8 cart using PX9 instead of PicoMap, as it's only about 100 screens.

The trickier thing is the token limit. I have a basically complete version of Super Mario Bros. for Pico-8, and I figured out some good token-saving strategies, but it's right at the token limit, and I'll need to optimize things some more for any big future Pico projects. A lot is possible with Pico-8, but stretching its limits can be tough, Picotron does seem more friendly for bigger projects.

@JadeLombax I understand. I'm sniffing around for a nice map chunk loading solution before I break down and write my own. Thanks for replying!



@Dunard For working on PicoVania? You're welcome! Stay tuned, as I'm not finished by a long shot!

@dw817 I finally included backward jumping, like you always wanted!


Holy mother of Alucard, what a remake! A music!!

Hey, @maleficmax, I'm glad you like it! Stay tuned, as I'm really moving along. This will be a full game if it kills me. Speaking of... There's a gift up there for you!


Cool port. A few things:

  1. Make it easier to get the shot multipliers from destroying enemies and candles.
    (In the original game, the required number of objects destroyed was 10.)

  2. Please nerf this darn bat. Dracula would be proud of him!
    I tried to stun him with holy water for SO long and couldn't do it. This bat is super tough!
    It's also not fair that I take 4 damage so early. (In the original game, Simon starts taking 4 damage at Stage 12--he takes 2 damage in stages 1 to 6.)
    (Simon staring in confusion at the castle construction during the opening was a nice touch.)

All in all, awesome port. As a Castlevania fan, have a star and heart.
(EDIT: Finally beat this bat. Love the little quips in Stage 4.)


@Retro_Pup_Pico_8 Hey, man. Glad you enjoyed it. Please pardon my dust, as this game is still VERY early.

  1. Currently I have no conditional item drops, so the 2 shot from the boss secret is what you get for now. Thanks for that tidbit, though! I need to do research on the drop system.

  2. Yeah, I programmed my bat to be a son of a gun, and more interesting than the original! A few tips:

    • My bat telegraphs his swoop.

    • He doesn't have any hitstun right now, so you can't cheese him with holy water.

    • Stop watch and axe are best. If you throw just right, the axe can hit twice! Maybe a bug, but I like it! You even get a small score bonus if you kill him this way!

You take 4 damage because I only have one level. Gotta make it challenging! I'll definitely tune it down once the game is built.

Thank you so much for playing, and don't forget your gift up there. Stay tuned, as I'm always updating the game!

Trivia: There are about 536 unique messages for the stairs, just for fun until I build the rest of the level.


Awesome! Sorry if I sounded weird (in the negative sense) in any way, just had a lot of trouble with that bat, and really wanted to see the end of the demo.

Will the next boss be Medusa; and if you’re giving her the same treatment as the Phantom Bat (harder than original bosses), will she have telegraphed stone gazes?
Sorry if it sounds like I’m demanding stuff from you—I’m not, I swear.
(I’m autistic and tone is hard to convey over text—I also really love Castlevania 1.)
I love the little green lines on tiles where the secrets are!

Thanks for the gift, and awesome game. Keep it up!

@Retro_Pup_Pico_8 No worries at all! Truth be told I was just making excuses because I couldn't quite get hit stun to work... until now! Holy water is now more effective, but still isn't completely disabling.

Medusa will indeed be the level 2 boss. It's funny you mention stone gaze as it was already in my list. I intend to implement an expert mode, unlocked by beating the game once. It's here that a lot of those extra things will happen. That is, If I have the space (Seems likely). for instance, I was planning on expert bat attempting to buffet you into spikes!

The green lines are just for my reference; They won't be there on release.


Oh, cool! Can’t wait to see the Mummies, Frankenstein’s Monster, Death and Dracula! (Not trying to rush you or anything, just excited.) Managed to get to Medusa’s statue, and got the Triple Shot with the Cross.

I love that you put in the file select screen! “Underground” is a classic tune. (I did notice that when you start a new file, it puts you at level 2.)

Also: In the original game, there’s a stopwatch above the first lift after the stairs with the knights in Stage 05, as well a ghost after the crushers and before the final stairs in Stage 6 (not asking you to put those things in if you don’t want, I just played Castlevania 1 a lot.)

I'll be putting the ghosts in very soon! Honestly though, @Retro_Pup_Pico_8, keep the suggestions coming, man! I could use all the feedback I can get!


Are you sure you’re okay with that? I’ve played Castlevania 1 a bunch (and loved it), so I know quite a few things about the game. Can’t wait to fight Medusa and see Stages 7-9, aka Block 3.
*Heads up, after Block 3 comes a cutscene where Simon falls into Block 4. During Block 3 and before the last room of Block 4, Simon takes 3 damage.
Also, there’s a glitch with the map screen where the life counter (P) reads 1 less life than when I ended the previous block. (e.g. 0 -> -1)
Again, loving this port so far!

@Retro_Pup_Pico_8 Absolutely, I am!

You seem a little reserved, but you don't have to be! There's nothing to be ashamed of, autism just means you're wired a little different, that's all!

If I'm being honest, it's people like you, with your love for the series and distinct attention to detail, that I value the most!

How long you been playing Castlevania on NES? I've been playing since 1992, since I was 4. Still, I'll admit that even I don't know every nook and cranny.


Got it on the Anniversary Collection in (I think?) 2023. Got into the series as a whole around 2022.
I’m reserved because I’m an introvert and mainly stay in my own lane.

My favorite games in the collection are Castlevania 1, Castlevania 3, Super Castlevania 4, Belmont’s Revenge and Bloodlines.

Also, thanks for being so chill about me being autistic and welcoming my feedback. I’ll let you know of any other details and secrets as you develop the game.

Speaking of which, there’s supposed to be a secret treasure in the hallway before Medusa discovered by standing in the fourth archway for a bit.

@Retro_Pup_Pico_8 Ooh! Didn't know about that one! Tell me, do you know where the un-reachable secret is in block 3? (Level 3)

Also, Do you have any other means of contact? I don't wanna keep bumping this post. If you don't mind, of course!


My discord (mobile) is RetroPup89, and on desktop; PicoSpectral89. I am on the Pico-8, Picotron, LazyDevs and NerdyTeachers servers.

I’m sorry to keep bumping this post myself, I just wanted to keep our conversation going cause I liked where it was going—I hope I wasn’t bothering you.

Just before the fight with the Mummies, walk left while standing 1 block above the one containing the meat for a few seconds. Truly curious to see what Block 3 will look like!

Again, awesome game!


Wow....a great version
I had a Castlevania cartridge for my NES in 80´s and it´s incredible....all the secrets are here....good work

@SingletonJohn Oh, it ain't over yet.


I know, I know @Turbochop.....I like a lot the Start sequence with the castle under construction...:):):)


@Turbochop Since I got a 60% keyboard, I used the key() function to handle "wasd" keys for movement "space" for jump, "j" for standard attack and "k" for special attack. worked like a charm you should also include these controls with the standard ones, if you want I could even release the cart with the added control. but I felt like the original creator should do it with the next update. it's nice to have a dedicated button for the special attack like throwing knife and stuff. only change I taught about making was maybe make it use "h" for standard and "j" for special attack, to fit with the default finger placement when writing but I felt like that put both hands too close too each other. at the end of the day even do I can use another key to turn my "wasd" key into arrow key, it's way more playable with the new controls options.


@AmosNimos The controls were designed with the primary control scheme in mind from the start. I am working on finalizing expert mode stuff, as well as decorating the remaining levels. If I have spare room, I will certainly look into options like this, but I consider these luxury items.

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