I just got Pico-8 and I want to start making games for it,
I already know some python, but nothing about lua or Pico-8.
Do you have any advice on how I should learn to make Pico-8 games,
Thank you :)
basic stuff-you have 8192 code tokens (for example, myvariable=99. Thats 3 tokens. myvariable is 1 code token, "=" is 1 code token, and "99" is 1 code token.) You have a limit of 64 sounds, and 16 of smth else (I forgor) hope this helps!
Really depends on what kind of learner you are! There are lots of tutorial videos on Youtube from folks like Lazy Devs Academy and Nerdy Teachers, those are helpful for learning game dev basics and building on your knowledge as you go. I started by watching the Lazy Devs Breakout Hero tutorial, but my first game was not anything like Breakout Hero - it was more the basics of building a gameplay loop and PICO-8 Lua syntax that I got from watching that series.
If you learn better by reading, the PICO-8 manual and wiki are good for that, and you can read the code for any of the games on the BBS if you want to see how your favorite games work, which I think is very nice.
And not meaning to direct you away from PICO-8 at all, but if you know Python, there is a similar engine that uses Python rather than Lua called Pyxel (you can find it on Github) which might make learning the gamedev bits easier since you won't have to learn the language at the same time.
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