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Can Someone please tell me if its even possible to get the spritesheet into a png image.
doesn't have to be png can be any format that can be somehow formated to a png.
I cant even find the gfx file on my file Explorer (not the picotron one, the real one).
The only way I know, would be to make a screenshot of the map where all the tiles are, but is this really the only way?.

thanks in advance


I'll go ahead and give a less than optimal answer to this, since it's been sitting here for a while now. I haven't gotten around to actually buying picotron for various reasons though, so this is based on what's in the current manual.

To give the overly literal answer: it's definitely possible to do. I'm not sure just by looking at the available functions what the best way would be. The first thing I would suggest is checking if you can copy-paste sprites from picotron into pico-8 (if you have pico-8 that is). If so, then you've got a way to export simple spritesheets up to 128x128 in size.

If that doesn't work, the next best thing I can think of is converting externally. Finding the folder that your files are in on-disk can be done using the 'folder' command. The function to create a file from within picotron is store(). My guess is that you'd want to convert the spritesheet into a string first, though, so that picotron doesn't try to use too weird of a storage format. The first thing to try out here would be copy-pasting from picotron's image editor to a lua file to see if you get anything coherent.

If not, the easiest function to get the pixel data would sget(), though that gets the color as an index to the palette and thus would need converting as well. From there it's just a matter of figuring out which widely-accepted image format is easiest to create an image in. BMP is probably the simplest.

Sorry I can't be more helpful. Hopefully if this functionality isn't already hidden somewhere inside picotron it'll be added later.

I think it's possible with the help of the host PC (i.e. using another program), but I'm not sure if it's worth doing.

Here's how...

Method 1
Transfer data to the host PC using the set_clipboard function. Data transferred via the clipboard is converted to PNG on the host PC. (Write a program to do this.)

Method 2
The fetch function can reference the network.
I think it can be transferred and processed using a CGI-like mechanism.

There are other possibilities, such as via a text file.
It might even be possible to read a POD file on the host PC and extract the binary from it.
One thing I can say is that it seems difficult to write PNG directly at this point. (I couldn't find any hidden functions either.)

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