some late night shape twisting.
I'm certain the for loops could be cut down, but I got it to 280 and I'm happy with it.
(280 chars)
v=sin::_::h=cos?'⁶1⁶c' for c=32,96,32do for r=32,96,32do e=min(1,(t()/5)%1.2)for b=0,.9,.25do a=.125-b+.25+e+(b-.5)*2l=a+.125 for j=0,20,3do x=c+h(b)*30+j*h(l)y=r+v(b)*30+j*v(l) for i=0,20-j/2do pset(x+h(a)*i,y+v(a)*i,7)pset(x+h(a+.25)*i,y+v(a+.25)*i,7) end end end end end goto _ |
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