A simple shooter I'm working on. There are only two kinds of enemies and no upgrades, but it has a few ideas I wanted to try out. There's also no sound or music yet.
Arrows move, button 1 shoots
Thanks to Ivoah for his 3D cube demo from picozine #2 (used for the wireframe projection and rotation).
The enemy sequences can easily be edited in the map editor. Each column is an event with the following values in the rows:
- Trigger (skull is all enemies dead, numbers are seconds since last event)
- Event type (enemy, or wave/game end)
- Enemy count
- Enemy flight path
- Enemy formation
Fazaa means "space" in Persian!
Nice! I caught myself trying to double-tap to roll, took me a sec to realize why.
This is incredible, what an awesome job. Hat off to you tbsp!
O_O dude those starfox-esque vector graphics are 100% on-point.
O.o this is awesome! When I opened it up I though "Oh, another shooter -_-" But then I saw the awesome title screen and decided to give it a shot (no pun intended). I'm glad I did! This game has got to be on the list of the most awesome PICO-8 games. The movement is nice and fluid.
Looks great so far! In this version it's difficult to see or evade enemy bullets, so I feel like I just keep aiming and shooting until I die. I wonder if a small shift in perspective would help, so my own ship isn't blocking the view?
I just noticed that you used some of the stuff from my 3d demo, I'm glad it helped someone!
@dddaaannn: Yeah, there's certainly an issue actually telling where enemies/etc are and avoiding them. I tried shifting the camera up a bit and it didn't help much, but perhaps if I angle the camera down as well that'd be enough.
I also want to add more dynamic enemy patterns involving the z-axis.
@Ivoah: It was quite helpful!
I don't like this game because it makes me feel inadequate. It's good though!
Aiming in 3D is very cool, but I agree that there's no way for me to predict or avoid incoming damage right now. It might help if the enemies spawned a little farther away.
It's still a really cool tech demo, though. :L
I feel like the name should be a pun on Starfox but otherwise this is pretty incredible.
It's very good. But it would be awesome if star animation was influenced by player position.
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