You are a ship collector with questionable methods of obtainment.
Collect the 100 unique ships! Embarrass the police when they try to catch you!
Primary weapon (hold to shoot and charge Secondary)
Secondary weapon (release and press)
Repair (mash!)
Tertiary weapon
Press ❎ in hangar to see upcoming enemies.
- 2 player co-op!
- 100 unique ships!
- 10 different weapon systems!
- Progressive difficulty!
- Particle effects!
- Embarrass the police without real world implications!
Change log:


Took some time to get how to play this game but thankfully with self repair ability, I could repair my ships and also my mistakes and managed to nick some ships. And also get away of course.

Could you make more games of this theme or update this one more often since since I finished it I can't find more games of this style

Great game. I love the repair mechanic! And, what a great new twist on a classic game! Awesome nicking idea.

I really like the idea and that you can repair your ship. Really great game!

If when you get all the ships you have finished getting them with the stars for each one

@jaguark When you succeed in embarrassing the police with a ship, that ship gets a star in the upper left corner. If you get all the ships, and stars on all the ships, you can still play the game, but there's nothing else to progress.

@ironchestgames That's why we need an update or a 2nd part. The truth is, the game is too entertaining for me and it's worth spending time on it.

@jaguark that's so great to hear! :D
I'm not working on it at the moment, but just out of curiosity, do you have any ideas for a sequel? new weapons? enemies? stuff to do?

I have ideas for updates:
(If I have any grammaticar error, I hope you understand me, I'm still learning english ;D
A hard mode: you start with 50% difficultie and ends with 150%
2 At once: you figth vs 2 ships that you DON'T have, and when you destroy both, you have a SUPER SHIP, that have more atacks (Is a event like the police)
When you unlock a star with any ship, it level up, for give him more lifes, or damage.
When you unlock the star with 10 different ships, you can play like the police (but not unlock new ships)
I hope you add some of my ideas.

@BBoras Ready dad, with that question I will solve my doubts, what if: you stay with the repair part, that was a good implementation, how about other types of attacks, a new variety, a pvp against your friend, that is, with the 2-person mode, a story mode in which you fight against specific enemies, a store where you buy personalized skin abilities that are used in the game and modes that are also purchased, and for another game if it is not too much trouble like a tycoon where you travel from planet to planet collecting minerals for a civilization Going back to the "sequel", you could put as a character that when the ship is destroyed you continue but as a character as a last resort but that character is bought in the store, I mean like an injector seat you understand. Well that's what I had in mind, I hope it comes true because I really liked the game.

@jaguark thanks for the big write-up, I appreciate you take the time to share! I can not promise anything, but the very least your suggestions have fuelled my imagination! Thanks again for the comment and the kind words

make a funny feature where if your beam and an enemy's beam collide, you have to spam c or x, like a kamehameha clash or something, that would be funny.

@a guy that would be fun, but the collision don't happens very often. But It's a great idea :)

@a guy It indicates that ship succeeded at embarrassing the police, but no gameplay change

bro I swear the escape sequence when you're in the endgame and there's mine and ice enemies is like impossible since they both stay on screen the screen gets crowded with ice and mines and theres nothing you can do about it

@a guy I don't know if you know this, it's a bit of a hidden feature, but when selecting ships you can hold X to see the upcoming enemy types. This might help somewhat with choosing your ship for the next run :)

my strat is either flak and shield (get in bosses face with shield and flak them hitting all the things), shield shield, (sel-explanatory) or slicer ice. The thing is, the ice, mine, and bubble enemies staying on screen is REALLY what makes them annoying. maybe make them go off-screen after a certain amount of time? I don't know but I'm 9 ships away :D

.....its..its finally over...THE JOURNEY IS OVER!!!! YYEEAAAHHHHH!!!! (he doesn't know that he needs to get all gold pluses now don't tell him)

@ironchestgames, are you working on a update???, Cause I'm waiting for that :)
(Edit 1):I am STILL learning english , so I hope you understand me. (That in spanish should be: Yo TODAVÍA estoy aprendiendo inglés, así que espero que me entiendas) here you have a idea: a story mode when every ship have 3 lifes, and if you lose them all you can obtein some, in the levels. The levels are made by waves and stronger waves, (like Plants vs Zombies)
(Edit 2): I was playin and I think about another raid that Is when you need defeat aaaaaalllllll the ships you already have (if you have 10 ships, you need defeat all that ships, if you have 50 you defeat all of them, if you have 100 you defeat the 100) that unlocks you a red star
Also, every 10 gold stars, appear 1 more police in the police raids, so if you have 37 gold stars, in the police raids should apper 3 polices makin every police raid harder and harder.

Bro, could you add a red aura on the screen so that one can realize when it needs to be repaired since it is not very noticeable?

@jaguark ¿¿¿hablas español???
Holaaaaaaaaa te hablo otra vez aquí, por que pico-8 me dijo que ya envíe muchos comentarios así que mejor edito uno que ya tengo.
Yaaaaaay, como aprendiste inglés o (español) que otros idiomas sabes???

si puedes comentar solo que en la parte final osea en el punto aparte solo le das y listo

@jaguark I have been thinking about how to better show you need to repair, how would a red aura work in 2p?

@BBoras :D I'm currently out of code tokens in this project (and the compression looks tight too), but I'm still thinking of ways to expand it in places where the systems lets me do it in a cheap way, token-wise. So it's still open, but just to manage expectations, I don't think big changes or additions, like new modes etc, is feasible at this point. But I consider and think about everybody's suggestions, and you've all been very generous with your ideas!
So I like the response I've gotten so far, which might help the motivation in the future. ;)

@BBoras :D It's one of the limitations in pico-8 to make sure each game can fit onto the cart pngs. A code token is basically "one thing" in the code. For example: myvariable = 69.99
that's 3 tokens, the name "myvariable" (1), the operator "=" (1), and the value "69.99" (1).
We only have 8192 tokens available per cart in pico-8, which is not a lot. And I'm hitting the ceiling with this game. Now, there are clever ways to code the same things but use less tokens, but at this stage it's usually not enough to do advanced additions. But every now and then there's an idea that can make use of what's already in place, so I'm looking for that as well as to see if there's content and/or ideas to make sequels.

Each player has their characteristic side, depending on each side, an aura would open, as if directly on the right side, an aura (and not on the other side, if the person is not dead).

please explain the possibility of winning and how I was supposed to (this enemy spam gets insane)

@a guy I'm so happy to see you're reaching for the stars! :D
The difficulty can be a bit, eh, difficult at the end game. I don't really know how to make it easier without making the whole game easier. Would that be an option for you? I was thinking since you managed to get all the ships that nerfing stuff would be feel-bad.

@jaguark That's an idea! I'll play around to see if I can shake loose some tokens to make something happen. Thanks for the suggestion!

I have some suggestions
suggestion #1. What if you could make a kind of story mode and through it you can unlock special types of ships but you can only do story after you have over a certain amount of ships, or stars from police raids
suggestion #2. what if you could have an online multipalyer but you need a code to join someones party
suggestion 3#. what if you could get different colors of stars depending on how many police raids you've done with a specific ship and after the 2nd one you start getting buffs
suggestion 4# a stat point system that alows you to upgrade something you can do with the ships like upgrade repair to make it faster or upgrade the time of use for the attack you charge up
suggestion 5#. what if you could make like a free to play type of thing (just a little player that decides where to go like a shop a ship upgrader (the stats I mentioned earlier) or a story mode
hope these were of good use :D

I also think if I don't have that many "code tokens" you could publish different versions of the same game for example shipnickers "story mode" or shipnickers "online play"
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