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Cart #thecountisenraged-1 | 2024-10-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The Count Is Enraged!

Bring back peace to the asteroid belt by slaying Count Jaspawd! This is the first level of that game.


ARROWS to Move
X or x to shoot
O or c to shoot torpedos


I was sick this weekend and tried another game for my mission:
I'm trying to make one game of every genre, even the ones I could never get into. This is my weekend attempt at making a shmup, a genre I'm not really familiar with.
Do tell me about all the things you hate in it and I might even work on it some more!


Nice start. Asteroids felt wrong : took me 30 seconds to understand they were respawning at the same X coordinates and needed to be destroyed.
You could still require a certain amount to be destroyed to pass the field, but respwan with random X would feel much more asteroid field like.
Some could also split in pieces, so shooting the biggest ones may be a bad idea. It's relatively rare but usually interesting to give the player incentive to not shoot all the time in a shmup. (charge stronger attack, avoid exploding frag mines, sleeping enemies you should not wake up all at once, powerful neutral unit you don't want to aggro...)
Still, the current pattern of asteroids is interesting, they could be replaced by ships that would cross the screen down like the current asteroids, the go back up as unkillable background mini sprites without collision as if far below (you can use tline if you have CPU and don't want to hand draw a mini version).

Thanks for the harsh but helpful feedback, made a few changes. Also designed a shitty-ish label to underline that this was not created with AI :D
I might make more changes in the future, but at the moment I am mostly looking for feedback or interaction.


Asteroid field is now convincing. You could use the NES trick of having half of them horizontally mirrored for cheap added variety.
About the background : Effect looks cool and can be made to look even better : stars should be drawn before the planets. Planets scrolling speed could be slightly faster than star speed for added depth perception. When pushing against the screen borders, either move every sprite but the player in the opposite direction, or stop the horizontal part of the background scrolling so the game sprites layer and the background layer don't convey opposite info about movement.

Misread your original post as you specifically asking for feedback about what was not liked. Sorry for being harsh, there's plenty of discreet polish done right all over the project :
sprite outline and highlights, generous player hit box, chosen colors and text contrast, life bar readable at a glance, elasticity in text messages, particles and smoke... I felt pointing them was not what you were asking for, for a WIP.

That NES trick sounds neat!
I wrote that comment just before work and was planning on removing the "harsh" - I am very thankful for your feedback nonetheless.
The background scrolling thing didn't even occur to me, good thing you caught it!
I'll change it and I might add a parallax value to make them scroll at different speeds. Or just multiply with instead of adding the scrolling value.

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