I am having difficulty placing vertical bars out of the path of the 4 square chocolate group (assuming you are clearing a path from left to right, over to the larger 9 square group). I can find placement for the horizontal bars; I seem to be left w/ 3 vertical bars, (nearest the 4 square chocolate). Any hints?
Oh dear, now you will know why I have called myself 'Turtle' I cannot get past being left with 10 blocks in the way, and no way of understanding how to move them behind the 2x2 chocolate.
I think I need some help please
For Turtle and others who may have trouble, I'm including very specific hints for the first few steps. If you're still stuck, I'm also posting a partial solution that covers all of the tricky parts. I recommend that you watch only as much as you need, and try to continue on yourself after every few moves. The CC replay system is nice in that you can jump in at any time.
Partial solution:
Hello weedhopper, I am still in a muggle!!! I can get down to the bottom of the left side hallway, but can't find how to go from there. I can move the horizontal brick up but by doing that and finally getting the chocolate up to the top of the middle hallway, I am unable to then get the other bricks past and out of the way.
I am as yet unable to understand the directions either - as you can guess I am pretty new to this quite apart from being a turtle!
You're almost there, turtle, don't worry! You're doing great so far. Here's some better advice for getting the horizontal brick out of the way.
If my directions still don't make sense, you can watch the partial solution instead. Select all the text in the gray block and use Edit->Copy in your browser, then switch back to CC. Start 30 Medium and click on "Options", then "Paste Replay", then use "Redo" to step through the movie.
My first time through, I got horribly stuck on this level (and many others). I went back and replayed the Easy levels, and practiced new shortcuts and tricks that I had used on the Medium levels. That way, I got better at learning how CC works, and by the time I worked my way back to the levels I hadn't solved, I found them much easier because I had learned many more techniques.
Take it from me, even turtles can solve puzzles!
GOT IT, thank you weedhopper, I can see you were right, I was almost there, but I might do as you suggest and begin again so I am more familiar with it all.
thank you for your encouragement :-)
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