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Cart #roboescape-11 | 2024-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is my first pico-8 game. I based it on an adventure game tutorial I found online.


You are a robot that has just infiltrated an enemy space-station and stolen vital intelligence from the enemy and now you must escape the space station and return the enemy-intel to your commanders. However, there are other robots programmed to attack you on sight.

Navigate to the final exit teleporter through doors and teleporters as well as dodging and destroying enemy robots along the way.


In intro screen:

Left/Right - Select difficulty
X - Begin game
Z - Open the info / help page
Z - Return from info / help page

In game:

Arrows - Move
X / Z - Fire your weapon

To press / activate a button, simply press towards it.


There are three types of enemy; each with different hit-points and weapon configurations.


Keys: Open Locked Doors, your current keys appear as pips on your status bar.

Ammo: Charge for your weapon.

Health: Restore some hit-points.

Armor: Some durable shielding.


Doors: Most are unlocked but some require a key, unlocked doors will have one or two buttons nearby to activate.
Locked doors will have a colored pad under them to indicate key color and a key-reader slot nearby.

Teleporters: Instantly travel to other areas of the space-station. Press the yellow button to activate.

Hazzard Lights: These lights change color according to your game skill-level, they do nothing else.

Secret Closets: Some walls may contain some extra random items.


The code is not the cleanest and I'm sure a ton of tokens can be saved. All the active data (enemies, doors, buttons, etc) is stored as arrays and I'm sure there is a better approach.

This was a fun game for me to make although learning the syntax changes of LUA vs C caused a bit frustration LOL.

I really hope you enjoy your escape!!

Version History:

Version 1.4

  • Fixed bug in the secrets code that sometimes caused the secrets to open in the wrong direction.

Version 1.3:

  • Fixed bug in the enemy firing rate.
  • Added some starting armor for the player.

Version 1.2:

  • Added extra ammo and health pickups.
  • Added help-page to intro.
  • Added stats for kills and secrets to "Escaped" page.
  • Added an extra screen to the level making the game slightly longer.
  • Made it so that both X and Z buttons fire the weapon.
  • Improved appearance of "Escaped" and "Failure" pages.

Version 1.1:

  • Minor corrections and balancing.

Version 1.0:

  • Initial release.


Game Idea: Brendos
Graphics: Brendos
Sounds: Brendos
Levels: Brendos
In-Game Music:"Space" by Gruber.
Intro Music:"Nostalgia" by Gruber.


Nice escape game, it was fun playing with robots to perform shoot n hide. I wish there would be more ammo so I could destroy all robots in this place but there are more armors and health items instead.
My biggest complaint are the buttons. Took some time to realize those small boxes are buttons. For secrets (which I've found BTW) it's okay but for main buttons, no. They have to be larger than these.

Hi Bloodbane, thanks for your feedback, yeah I thought maybe a bit more pickups might be needed, I've now added more ammo and health packs around the map and I've also made the starting ammo amount a bit more and now ammo packs give a few extra shots.

The secrets have always created the pickup items randomly so it'll be different each playthrough.

Regarding the buttons, I like the way they are so instead of changing them I've added an info page to the intro screens with some simple guidance as to what things on the map are.

Some other quality of life changes: Added stats to "escaped" end screen and bound both buttons to the weapon. The intro screens are nicer now too.


Nice clean graphics. Cheers.

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