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A virtual computer that runs on a fantasy console. I find this very interesting, so I've made it work for now.

Cart #chipeight-1 | 2024-09-10 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Key assignments


These can also be changed in key.lua if necessary.


  • Minor bug fixes
  • Modified to load ROMs as external pod files by drag and drop (Thank you pancelor!)
  • Change display from full screen to windowed (to drop the ROM)

How to create a "rom" pod.

store(filepath, userdata("u8", bytelength, romdata))

Specifically, it looks like this.

store("/logo.pod", userdata("u8", 132, "00e0a22a600c6108d01f7009a239d01fa2487008d01f7004a257d01f7008a266d01f7008a275d01f1228ff00ff003c003c003c003c00ff00ffff00ff0038003f003f003800ff00ff8000e000e00080008000e000e00080f800fc003e003f003b003900f800f8030007000f00bf00fb00f300e30043e505e2008507810180028007e106e7"))



hey, this is cool! I made a CHIP-8 game and its fun to see it running here :)

Here's a test suite that was incredibly helpful while I was making an emulator, it turned up all sorts of tiny edge cases I wasn't handling quite right. you should check it out: https://github.com/Timendus/chip8-test-suite

also, if you'd like to support drag-and-drop to load ROMs, something like this should work:

	local item = msg.items[1]
	if item and item.pod_type=="file_reference" then
		local str = fetch(item.fullpath)
		local romdata = userdata("u8",#str/2,str)
		-- todo load romdata somehow


Thanks for your comments and the info on fixing the bug.
And now I can drop and load ROMs.
This is my first time using it and it's great!

The test suite also passed.

Does anyone else think a fully featured Atari-2600 emulator is possible in Picotron? (Neat meta-fantasy console btw.)

I think it is possible to emulate the CPU.Rather, I think the part that reproduces the blurring on the screen is impressive.
I have never used the Atari 2600, so I can't say for sure, but it's possible. I think.
Very interesting.

print("This is a Picotron Vaultage comments, Recorded by Roblox Vaultage Picotron Cartridges")

This game is sponsored by Alex K.

Cart #ziruzoyiko-3 | 2024-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Huh? What? What do you mean?

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