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Hello everyone

I'm new here and don't really have much experience with Pico-8 or Picotron, but I'm trying to learn by doing and of course I didn't start with the easiest task

I'm trying to understand how to decode copied sprites PODs or their base64 content. I'm trying to see the sprite data in e.g. bytes, or any format I could use to recreate the sprite in another programme.

I tried to decode the b64 code with the Linux command base64 --decode and I get a file starting with lz4. When I then try to decode the file with the command lz4 -t (https://github.com/lz4/lz4/) I get the error message:
Error 44 : Unrecognized header : file cannot be decoded

Could someone give me a nudge in the right direction


While Picotron uses LZ4 compression, it doesn't use the full LZ4 file format including headers etc. If you're looking for a working example of reading/writing Picotron carts, check out https://github.com/thisismypassport/shrinko8, which started as a PICO-8 project but handles Picotron too.

In my opinion, the picotron itself does the conversion.
I think it's very simple.
It was easy to exchange data via the clipboard.

The method of conversion is..
For example, this is possible like this:

-- This is the original data.
-- It is copied from the GFX editor with the "--[[pod_type="gfx"]]" part 
-- at the beginning removed.

-- In this case, p is a user data type.
-- You can access each pixel as is.

-- Of course you can also set pixels.

-- The contents may be much easier to understand 
-- if you convert it to uncompressed POD.
p2 = pod(p)

-- And if you want to compress the results of various 
-- edits into a POD, you can turn on the option.
-- Let's just talk about the amount of data. 
-- It depends on the case, but there are also cases 
-- where not compressing will result in less data.
p3 = pod(p, 0x7)

Thank you so much for the information.

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