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Cart #manicminer-3 | 2023-12-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Pico Manic Miner

A throw back to the 1983 game released on the beloved ZX Spectrum. Original by Matthew Smith.



Wow, for better or for worse, this really feels like a port made in 1983 !
1 bit graphics sprites and tiles , the exact same horrible controls and fall damage, very few lives with lots of levels and no checkpoint.
And like always, we get the quirks of the platform : here no colour clash or bad repetitive sound like in the spectrum version, but we have reworked levels to fit the screen. I guess that scrolling was deemed too modern for a 1983 game ?
Mission accomplished. (And like in the old days, I’m so adding infinite lives to the game to make things bearable)

Thanks, you are correct. I resisted the urge to 'improve' the game, to retain the original feel.

BTW Nice Hilbert curve.

@stirky What a lovely demake. I think @ReadlShadowCaster said most of the things I would say, but I'll re-iterate that the controls really are a little fiddly.

If you haven't already seen it, @Heracleum's version of China Miner ( https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=54245 ) adds a number of "improvements" over the original game - particularly level select. Maybe similar could be added to your version, otherwise I'm going to have to run this locally and add an infinite lives cheat.

Great cart though, thanks for posting.


Thanks Phil. This is my first attempt using pico 8, so I appreciate the feedback.

Great start for your first Pico-8 game!

Have you also seen Minionsoft's remake of MM here?: https://minionsoft.itch.io/manic-miner

He's managed to get most of the levels into a single screen by providing slightly different graphics. Maybe consider a similar approach for your next game :)

Thanks, yes I did see that and it's very good. For me, I just wanted to replicate the sprites as far as possible.

I'm considering either jetpac or paradroid as my next demake.

Go for it! Looking forward to seeing your next game :)

Updated to fix a bug whereby the O key didn't work.

Nice work. The graphics look spot on.

Thanks retroedge. I tried to make the 'sprites' pixel perfect!

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