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This Celeste Classic mod took me so damn long to make, at least a month's worth of time dedicated to this. I really hope you enjoy this.

Cart #gock_version_1_1-0 | 2024-08-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Arrows to move
  • Z to jump
  • X to dash (when you acquire the ability)

There are 18 collectibles in total, and only one Gemskip Route, leading to the best ending, however you won't be able to collect all the collectibles in this route, due to collectibles being either in fake walls, or being way too out of reach.

Making a 0-dash Gemskip route was already hard enough with the options you even have anyway.

Update Log


  • Fixed the arrow block glitch where can get you stuck.
  • Added quick restart button.


  • Release

Super fun mod, I loved all the mechanics like the water and the moving platforms, tacos were challenging to get but felt fair, music was enjoyable, sfx were fun, and overall a really fun mod to play

First try any%, not sure if I got all the tacos or not


No attribution to the original creators?

Looks good now, thank you!

Very challenging, but also fun Celeste Classic mod. How exactly do I proceed from here? I only have two dashes and I don't see any way to proceed from here with only two dashes. I've marked the path with a blue arrow.


Finally managed to beat the gem-skip route after 3 hours and almost 2000 deaths.
Really fun game and my first ever gemskip

Also on that part you dash to the crystal then dash up-right, do 2 wall jumps while saving 1 dash to dash right to the next checkpoint


I tried that, but I still don't see how to get to the checkpoint with that method.

There are only two walls you can use for walljumping.

Well sorry it didn't work but you just keep trying
Also I don't wanna scare you but it keeps getting worse
By all accounts don't try gem-skip cause it's brutal


This is how I did it (maybe it's the wrong way, but I don't know of any other way to do it):


Below your dash there's a bit of wall, bounce from there to save a dash or you die on the spikes below
good luck


Oh, I totally missed that! Thanks, I'll try that.

What exactly is the procedure here?


that's the hardest part.
You have to do a left dash into an up-left dash, maneuver between the spikes, wall jump for a bit while grabbing the crystal then when the crystal reappears dash up-left, then again between the spikes, wall jump between the spikes, dash up, wall jump into the trampoline under the cube of spikes and finally up-left dash twice to get the last checkpoint (GG)


That sounds quite complicated. Can you draw the moves on the image I uploaded?

I don't see any way to make it through the spikes without dashing because the wall on the right is full of spikes.


This should be better:


This is how I tried it. The problem is that I can't continue from where I marked the ? because I don't have any dashes left.


You know that the green crystal reappears after a while right, you regain your dash but don't continue yet, wait for the crystal then the rest you already did.
BTW I don't know how to make those pictures nor to draw in them sorry


I just took three screenshots, put them together in Paint and drew the blue lines in Paint, but you don't have to do that. I guess I'll just try what you said.

But even if I do regrab the crystal, it only gives me two dashes and I need those two dashes to get between the spikes and then I don't have any dashes left.

@Divine Gaming
Red is step 1, Blue is step 2

When jumping between the walls at the bottom-right, get the crystal and keep jumping between the walls. When the crystal comes back, dash to the top-left while collecting the crystal at the same time so you can still have 2 dashes. You can use these dashes to get to the very top where there's some ground to take a break and recover your dashes again.
When going down from the start of the Blue line, I forgot to include the use of one dash, but you should still have one extra dash for when you enter the second screen.
Good luck.

@Catastrophic Cal

Thanks! That should help. I'll try that.

I can finally shut down my PC again. Thanks for your help guys!

your welcome have a good day

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