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Gravity Popper

Cart #gravity_popper-1 | 2024-08-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Gravity Popper is a dynamic arcade-style game where you launch balls to destroy enemies while dealing with gravity effects and physics. Your goal is to eliminate as many enemies as possible without losing all your lives.

How to Play:

  1. Aim the Ball:

    • Use the controls to adjust the launch angle and speed of the ball.
    • Aim carefully to hit the enemies with maximum impact.
  2. Launch the Ball:

    • Press the launch button to send the ball flying towards the enemies.
    • The ball will move according to the angle and speed set, following a parabolic path influenced by gravity.
  3. Destroy Enemies:

    • The ball can destroy enemies by colliding with them.
    • Each enemy has a health value, and a successful hit will reduce their health.
    • When an enemy's health reaches zero, it will be destroyed. Destroying enemies increases your score.
  4. Avoid Losing Lives:

    • If an enemy reaches the ground, you lose lives equivalent to the enemy's remaining health.
    • The game ends when all lives are lost.
  5. Game Over and Restart:
    • When the game is over, press the restart button to play again.


  • Gravity Effects: Balls are influenced by both natural gravity and gravitational pull from enemies, creating a unique gameplay dynamic.
  • Enemy Variety: Enemies have different sizes, speeds, and health levels, requiring strategic aiming and launching.
  • Dynamic Difficulty: As you progress, new enemies appear and existing ones may split into smaller, more challenging forms.
  • Score and Lives: Track your score and remaining lives to gauge your performance.
  • Power-ups and Extra Lives: Gain extra lives by destroying enemies; every 10 enemies destroyed grants one extra life.


  • Arrow Keys:
    • Left/Right: Adjust launch angle.
    • Up/Down: Adjust launch speed.
  • X Key: Launch the ball.
  • Z Key: Restart the game when in the 'Game Over' state.

Game States:

  • Aim Mode: Adjust the launch angle and speed.
  • Fly Mode: The ball is in motion; watch its trajectory and manage subsequent moves.
  • Game Over: All lives are lost. Option to restart the game.

Game Mechanics:

  • Ball Physics:

    • The ball starts at the bottom center of the screen.
    • It follows a trajectory based on initial speed and angle.
    • Gravity affects the ball’s downward motion.
  • Enemy Mechanics:

    • Enemies appear randomly on the screen.
    • Each enemy has a specific health level and gravity influence.
    • Destroyed enemies can split into smaller enemies, adding complexity to the game.
  • Collision and Damage:
    • Collisions between the ball and enemies reduce enemy health.
    • If the ball hits an enemy with more than 1 health, it bounces back.
    • Enemies reaching the ground decrease the player's lives based on their health.

Strategy Tips:

  • Aim Strategically: Consider both the angle and speed for optimal hits.
  • Use Gravity: Leverage enemy gravity to curve your shots.
  • Manage Risks: Prioritize enemies close to the ground to avoid losing lives.
  • Earn Extra Lives: Focus on eliminating enemies to earn additional lives and prolong the game.

Game Objective:

  • Score High: Achieve the highest score by destroying as many enemies as possible before losing all your lives.
  • Survive Longer: Maintain your lives and manage enemy threats to extend your gameplay.

Enjoy Gravity Popper and aim to become the ultimate gravity master!


I mean, it's good

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