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Cart #truenorth-0 | 2024-01-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Celeste but it's daytime. Made in roughly 72 hours for the CC Mod Advent Calendar.


Arrows - Move
Down+X - Pick-up
Z - Jump
X - Dash/Throw



Such a awesome Game, I love the Music, the gorgeous tiles, with the outlines.
Just everything is perfect. The Textbox at the beginning is made so good, And all of that in only 72 hours. :O
Here is my attempt:

Great Job :)


Some neat puzzles here. My first completion:

For people having trouble getting the snowball to do what you want,

Try holding down an up or down arrow as you throw it.

I saw two other things that I can't even see how to theoretically get to.

I thought I was clever getting a snowball through several screens to here, but I'm not sure what it's useful for now. Does it help get to the pickup in upper left?

This is the berry I missed, and I can't see a way to get it. I know there are techniques to get under the the bottom row of the screen without dying, but I wasn't able to make that work here.



Thanks for playing!

Yes, the snowball is required for getting that upper-left pickup- The collectibles in this generally revolve around figuring out how to bring items forward. :)

Regarding the berry, this game patched dashing under the level, as well as several other bugs/exploits from the original game (e.g., an off-by-1 error in movement, being able to walljump off of spikes, etc.). For this, you need to let the falling blocks squish you through the one-way platform.


There are many cute hats.

I won the fish. I won the game. The last hat I found was a penguin hat.

I got softlocked :(


@BobbyMan: That's not a softlock- as the sign suggests, you can sneak in a quick wallslide (e.g., by running off and turning around) to get to the ball. This works even with a ball in a 1-wide gap. :)

Can someone help me with this screen? I've been trying forever and i don't know how to do it. I've tried throwing the snowball over the spike wall, I've tried interacting with the blue box at the top left, and nothing works

@smellystinkyrat: You have to bring the ice block down and stand on it to get the height needed to throw the snowball over the spike wall.



What do you do with the penguin? I have a snowball, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

@iDk PLS: It wants a fish. :)


I found a movement tech with the snowball. If you do a very short jump and then immediately dash into about the center of the snowball you get sent flying. (Think of it as a kind of wavedash but the snowball does the second jump for you)

Where do you get the fish? I've played through the whole thing 4 times and I can't find it.

Came back to this mod and managed to find every hat and got them all in one run :D very fun mod

Edit: Does the ending mean you beat cosmic ocean? if so thats really impresive :D

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