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My new work in progress! Special thanks to Lazy Devs Academy, for the music (which is temporary) and for the score diplay. Have fun, I hope you enjoy Shootout.

Cart #shootout-6 | 2024-08-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


great start to your game! I haven't heard of lazy dev but the sound is easy on the ears. The ships and enemy tanks well made because they have the 3d look. Good work in progress...

Thanks! You can find Lazy devs academy on Youtube, and they make pico-8 tutorials. Highly recommend it if you need to know something for your game!


I just played his new game, "Shootout" by derpyworm2 on PICO-8, and it's fantastic. Have fun, and I hope you all enjoy "Shootout" as much as I did!

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