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Facebook so kindly reminded me that my PICO-8 journey started roughly 8 years ago with the PocketCHIP.

Yeah, yeah...the PocketCHIP didn't turn out to be a keeper but PICO-8 certainly was. Since PICO-8 came pre-installed with the PCHIP, I figured it would have a built-in audience constantly looking at new games (a la Playdate today) and that sounded better/easier to me than throwing games into the void. That dream didn't quite turn out but I'm thankful it brought P8 into my hobby sphere and has continued to be a fun way to fill time and live out some childhood dreams of making games for people to play.

Thanks to @zep for all the effort and making a fun platform to create, play, and share games. But more so to all the people in the P8 community over the years that helped me stay motivated and make games. From code to assets to theory and beyond, THANK YOU.


We were some of the few lucky backers who didn't get scammed then have their unit sold as retail

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