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How do I delete Pico-8? I've just bought it a little bit ago with no experience in devving. It looked simple enough and it was a waste of money.
No I do not want tips, I want my money back. Please do not come and tell me how I can fix this, tell me how I can get a refund. Make your app as simple as it looks.


Best bet is to send an email to Contact / Support.

I can understand the frustration if you're new to something. What kind of game were you planning on making @midderskidder? There's a lot of free information on working in Pico-8 that really helps break it down into easy to understand information.


Pico-8 is not only a tool, but also a community.

Would be fair to know what could be made better from your view?
Maybe others have the same trouble as you but nobody knows, so there will be no improvement!


(Please dont give up...)


With the vast amount of carts created for it thus far, I wouldn't call it a waste of money. I fear some people just don't have the patience any more to take the time and learn anything new, instead expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

@thesailor no clue. it wouldve been nice if there was some sort of trial (which apparently there's a free education edition) so i could see if i liked it. i had to buy it because there wasnt a way for me to see how it worked

@BoJoe it looked simple to use and so i got my hopes up. wasnt what i expected, and i dont have experience in game development. that's actually why i got this, it looked easy to use


Have you looked into some YouTube tuts yet?
I have to suggest NerdyTeacher, SpaceCat or LazyDevs


Before I wrote a single line of code I started watched LazyDevs breakout clone tutorial. I got to episode 4 before I felt confident of coding anything myself. You should check it out (and his others) for inspiration on how to use Pico8



@midderskidder you could have watched numerous YouTube’s, read numerous guides, or most significantly tried out the free educational version. Really is no justification for you’re negativity


Or just skip developing entirely and just enjoy other people's games.


It's almost as if "look before you leap" is just solid life advice all around


Now since you already have it, you could play and mod games like celeste. which is very easy to mod, kinda like Mario maker. You could try out some other games aswell.


I tried some Software to get a game running,Basic, VB, Flash Action script...phyton(with tkinter) or gamemaker.

My greates problem everytime. "How do I get the sprite showing/import I draw with an extra programm? How do I get the Sprite moving and how do things collide/interact. How do I bind buttons/keys to an action?"

This feels so easy now with pico-8.

For 20 years I want to make a remake of dynatech, an economy game I love the concept but hate the controls. With pico-8 I finaly have the feeling I could do it.

I didn't want to post this because I thought you were to angry to read the posts anyway, @midderskidder but since you answered some,here are my 5 cents. Maybe some day I find a more easy to use "game maker IDE" but for now it's here.

@VgBlade yeah well i didnt think twice and that's on me

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