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Cart #one_shot-7 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A small game that I made for my first cartridge in Pico-8. I learned a lot while making it, and while it may not be perfect, it is indeed a complete game.


Nice concept and congrats on completing your first game!

It seems I get shorted on the jump sometimes at random (even if holding down the jump button), which can be a bit frustrating at the wrong times.

Maybe I'm missing something about the technique?


@kozm0naut that was a bug that had to do with how gravity was applied to the player. I fixed it and reuploaded. It should be a little bit nicer now :)

i found a bug where if u walked off a clif u will not fall

Fixed that in the latest version. I didn't realize that the fix before that broke it. I playtested it, but clearly not enough.

There is a bug I encountered in one of the last levels where even if you activate both targets, the door does not open.
Edit: Also, sometimes the bullet just fizzles out randomly (when I'm holding the shoot button usually) and its pixels linger in a scattered shape, then disappear shortly (i also don't get another bullet after that)

@Kucadence I updated the level that does that. Also, for your bullet issue, I was able to replicate it and found a solution. If you keep shoot again in the same direction that the bullet was travelling when it got stuck, it will get unstuck and let you resume the game.

I also added a speedrun timer that will appear on the end screen of the game, for my friends that were racing each other.

I was expecting some kind of puzzle mechanic whereby you need to shoot at a mirror or lens or something to get a hit

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