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Mini Survivors

My kids and I were loosely familiar with PICO-8 because of Celeste, and then when two of them got emulation-based handheld game systems they started dabbling. I've spent most of my life programming in a few ways but never actually made a finished game for someone else to play. But my kids and I started in early July 2024 and I figured it could be our summer project. It's our first PICO-8 game, in a pretty-well finished state, in just under a month.

Cart #minisurv-1 | 2024-07-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It shouldn't be a hard one to pick up and play. Z/O is used to toggle the music and make menu selections, and the rest of the game is played with arrow keys/control pad.

Although a couple of my kids looked at and consulted on the code a bit their contributions were mostly ideation, with a bit of dabbling in sprites and sound design. Wyldstar did most of the sounds and a few sprites, and FlamingXP did several sprites.

Resources used include several YouTube tutorials by SpaceCat as primers, One-Off GFX by Heracleum for the title screen, and bikibird's Denote tool to convert a midi for the main music.


Great work, all of you. I'm impressed by the variety in all the upgrades.

Although, could the end-run status mention what level I reached? This one got a little excessive. I spent a lot of time just sitting in one place because I had picked up Shield Crystals or chosen them while levelling up.

This was fun! I enjoyed playing this.

Nice, I love it. I agree with you, it was so much fun playing it.

That sounds like a fantastic project! It’s impressive to see a family working together on a game. If you’re looking for feedback or need help with any specific aspects of the game, feel free to ask! Students seeking professional writing help can turn to https://domypaper.com/ for tailored papers that meet academic standards. The platform emphasizes originality, timely delivery, and offers free revisions to ensure quality, backed by round-the-clock customer service.

Awesome! I love different terrains (desert), weapons. It is pretty hardcore!

Minor stuff:

  • you can't see ankh in desert (same color)
  • not sure, but I think ankh targeting left top corner of enemy. Use center could be a solution.

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