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Cart #grandpa_seesaw-2 | 2024-08-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a little game I made for the 10th LowRezJam in 2024
The objective is to keep the seesaw as level as possible, this will fill up the green progress bar. Lower your time the better

More horizontal seesaw = More faster progress fill up

Music is "Ice" - PICO-8 Tunes Vol.1 - by @gruber_music




Fun! I like the conceit - real tricky!

Edit: Here's our time for our second run!


Really nice entry for the jam! Simple idea, well executed and made me press my buttons into the desk! 209 for the first try!

Nicely done details on the face animations and the shadow of the seesaw is also a nice touch!


This game makes me angry in a good way.
(I think...)


There's a hole in my keyboard where my arrow keys were. LOL. Nice job.


me too X and Ctrl Is Somewhat Wrecked


Grandpa's triceps must be jacked.

I'm so bad at this game the timer overflowed into the negatives :p
Guess I beat everyone...

Oh damn, I didn't think about overflow! Well, enjoy your win haha

I decided to take another crack at it.

In theory, what's the best possible time?

Edit: Woohoo, shaved off a few more tenths.

Lowest time possible is 16s, but I doubt if even a TAS would be able to achieve it

I needed a little break from an annoying project I'm working on, so I'm back for more Grandpa Seesaw.

This kicked off a series of three or four low-eighteens. That seventeen is so close I can taste it.

Edit: And boom goes the dynamite.

I can't believe no one is coming in here to unseat me. This is the perfect five-minute time waster.

Try to beat my author time: 17.1!
Honest time! No trickery here

I'm so bad at this :'( but seeing Grandpa fly has lifted my mood a bit

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