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Cart #up_down_solitaire-0 | 2024-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi everyone! This is my first PICO-8 game. I hope you like it. I was playing the other day Pocket Card Jockey on the 3DS and decided to make a simple version of the card game in PICO-8. So, I present to you:

Up-Down Solitaire

Try to empty the board by playing cards from the last row onto the discard pile. You can only play a card with a number right after or right before the number of the discard pile. For example, you can play a 3 onto a 2 or a 4, but you cannot play the 3 onto another 3 or onto a 10. Colors and suits don't matter. As and King are connected.

If you cannot play any card. Draw a card from the drawing pile. Choose the number of jokers to change the difficulty (A better tutorial can be found inside the cart).

That's it!


How to play and more!

⬆️/⬇️ - Navigate through menu / Select the drawing pile
⬅️/➡️ - Hover the card to play
🅾️ - Select / Play the card
❎ - Navigate back in the menu

You can disable the music in the PICO-8 pause menu. I've added an option.


  • The whole 52-standard deck, with two extra jockeys.
  • A randomized board everytime you play. Sometimes you won't get good cards.
  • A highscore board.
  • A cool tutorial.


1.0: Game released!

  • Initial release.

Can you get the lowest score possible? Enjoy!

Additional notes:

The game is feature complete, which means that I have added all the game logic I wanted to implement. Since I had tons of free space, I didn't bother optimizing tokens whatsoever. However, please tell me your insights! If you think something should be changed or if you find any bugs, write in the comments down below :)




Nice work!


This is really cool! You should for sure post it in the reddit! Very well done. I especially loved the tutorial.

Great solitaire game! The music is excellent too.

Very cool! Played through and beat all the modes. It's great to hear this song being used in cozy little games like this.

Thanks a lot for your comments. I'm glad to know that you like it :)

@olivander65 Sadly, I don't have a reddit account. But feel free to make a post linking the bbs here

@Fettuccini I'm looking forward to your next songs! If they are loopable, I will use them in the future if they fit hehe

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