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Cart #mifibifuyu-0 | 2024-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is my first time ever publishing a game and I am super excited!


I actually followed SpaceCat's tutorial on Youtube so this is not something I came up with. However, I decided to upload it anyways because I did add my own spin on it and felt that I had actually done a good job with the coding. I would love feedback so I can improve my programming skills for my first official game.


Nice Game, I dont know if its intended that the camera goes outside the map, probably yes. But otherwise you could do this

-- x and y are your camera values
Local cx=mid(0,x,1024-128)
Local cy=mid(0,y,512-128)

If the all the map is used. Otherwise change 1024 and 512 to map width and height.
A timer would add another aspect to the game, people could speedrun it. I think that would be a nice addition. Good job, publishing your first game, wish you good luck. :)

Yeah, this is very good! Out of curiosity, how did you get into pico-8?
Excited to see where good skills go.

I don't know how to respond to each individual comment so I am doing this but thank you everyone. Cheesemug, thank you for the camera fix and I think a timer would be an awesome idea. Do you know any coding for it?

Stevent()#6, thank you and I got into Pico-8 through SpaceCat on youtube. He has an incredible playlist that really helped me. I saw your Captain Mario game and I love it. It is absolutely incredible and I was actually planning to make my own platformer next. I looked at your coding a little for inspiration and I am TERRIFIED. XD
The amount of work and effort you put into that, even the music and the sounds, is incredible. I am not skilled at pixel art or sound, as you can see here, so I am definitely intimidated but that will not stop me. Still though, that coding is insane!

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