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Apologies if this is a silly question.

Reading the roadmap 0.1.0
> BBS Integration // Submit carts to a sub-forum, browse carts from splore app

Is it implemented and I just can't find it? I have tried splore from the terminal and hunted for it in the file explorer.

Edit: thanks folks . Managing to load by cart id.


When you say, "the terminal," do you mean the command prompt inside of the Pico-8 virtual console? If so, that's how it's supposed to work. Either "splore" or "s" should launch it from there.

Edit: Nevermind. This is Picotron. I didn't notice that.

Splore (or something similar) isn't in Picotron yet

There is no built-in app to browse carts yet, but you can load them via the terminal similarly to Pico-8

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