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Cart #same_demake-1 | 2024-08-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This game is a PICO-8 derivative of Same.

The goal of the game is to set all dots to the same colour. You can change the colour of the dot by moving the selector to the dot you would like to change and pressing either X or Z to change it. However, when a dot is changed, all adjacent dots flip their colour as well.

This is my first game, so it is a bit unpolished. Any feedback is appreciated :)


[1.1] - 2024-08-10


  • Changelog.
  • "You win!" screen.
  • Persistent statistics (P#152059).
  • Reset statistics button.
  • Reset statistics confirmation screen.


  • Move instructions page button from top right to top left.
  • Clarify diagonals are not affected when flipping dots.

[1.0] - 2024-08-01


  • Base game.
  • Instructions page.
  • Instructions page button.


Well done for your first game 👍
Feedback: you could persist the stats (total games played and avg) it's easy with cartdata, dset and dget, take a look at these functions in the manual 👌


Thanks for the suggestion @Heracleum. I really appreciate it :)

You were right - getting the stats set up with the cartdata and dset/dget functions was pretty easy. The game definitely feels more polished now.

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