This is the first game I've made.
You play as an orange cat named Keys. I used to have a neighborhood cat I called Keys that would come visit me at my apartment. So it's loosely based on him. Every cat I've known liked tuna a lot so in the game you gotta collect 15 cans of tuna. It's not easy, but not impossible either.
If you'd like to help support my game creating/artistic endeavors it would be appreciated. If not, it's ok. I hope you enjoy either way. Thanks for playing! Have a good day ^. .^
Hi. I think it's sweet that you put this effort into a tribute to your friend. You finished your project, which is a really good result for someone who is new to coding. Most people never get that far. The game looks great.
The main constructive criticism that I can give is that the collision detection needs a lot of work. Trying to stand on the couch ends up with Keys falling through, then getting warped around and knocked off of stuff like a pinball. Then he's fine, but I take one step, and the screen starts jerking and warping around. Sometimes when I jump on the sink, I fall through after a second. Other times, Keys seems to hit an invisible wall and be thrown back and bounced around. Sometimes Keys just walks in place while I hold down an arrow key. As the developer, you may be used to these things, but they make the game basically unplayable for me.
Good job, and congratulation. I hope you keep working on this and other projects in the future.
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I will work on that but it’s very difficult to implement on 16x16 sprites. If anyone knows how, I’m all ears. Thanks again
The search function on this BBS is pretty bad, but you can use Google to help. Try things like, " collision detection," or, "Pico-8 collision detection 16x16 sprite." Obviously, try searching the BBS, too, but Google might be a better bet.
Also, look at other people's carts. Download some platformers and see how Pico-8 developers did it.
Hey I fixed the collisions:D Check it when you get a chance
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