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Cart #neofetch-0 | 2024-03-25 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Behold! The hit thing all the cool Linux kids are talking about for your brand new Picotron!


  • Load and run the cartridge
  • Stare at the window (This should make you feel "cool" for being such an epic hacker)
  • If your name happens to be different from mine, you can edit it with CTRL-E


I acknowledge that this is not run from the terminal
Honestly I just wanted the cute little cartridge png



Depending on how you made this, you can actually make a version of this that doesn't run in a window and put the .p64 (png's don't work here) in your /appdata/system/util/ folder (I don't think it exists by default so you'll have to make it) you should be able to type neofetch in your terminal and it will work.

thank you random internet citizen, for the wisdom on how to look like a linux snob with picotron.

ok but seriously that's a good tip

Lexaloffle, if you’re seeing this post, can you later make Picotron mobile supportive?

This is an image

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