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Cart #scarecrows-0 | 2024-07-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my second 3D game demo. But I am not finished it yet.

common mode:
press ⬅️ to turn left
press ➡️ to turn right
press ⬆️ to move forward
press ⬇️ to move backward
press 🅾️ to shift to left
press ❎ to shift to mouse mode

mouse mode:(only available on splore)
use your mouse to turn around
press Key_S to shift to left
press Key_F to shift to right
press Key_E to move forward
press Key_D to move backward
press ❎ to shift to common mode

--basic raycasting
--textured wall
--static sprite

--animated sptite
--moving enemies
--shoot game
--better looking sky and floor

if you encounter any questions, please leave your comments and i will check it out.


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