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Cart #sudufosuke-0 | 2024-07-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The idea: a platformer where you use buoyancy to gain altitude.
Controls: Left and right to move. Up lets you swim upwards (while submerged) and down lets you swim downwards (while submerged.)

Play around with the water physics!

PS if you can help me code map collision (which I suck at) it would be greatly appreciated!


Wow, very impressive! I love the water surface.

Super cool, currently on vacation but should be able to help with map collisions in a week if still needed.
Ideally, if you can express all your requirements beforehand, I’ll be able to whip up something.
Here are some common questions :

Are tiles collision map simple on/off 8x8 pixels squares?
If not, is it pixel color based ?
Maybe a list of a few collision shapes determined by tile flags ?

2nd question : what shape is it colliding with ? (Strait squares, tilted rectangles , circles, triangle, arbitrary polygons …)

3rd, what happens in case of collision ? (Bounce back, tile destroyed, tile changed …)

The collision is based off of map tiles, like a basic platformer. Map tiles with flag 0 active will most likely be solid surfaces on all sides. I'm not sure how to implement this, however, since the player has dynamic x and y speeds and the y speed can go super fast.

If I do figure this out on my own, I'll still be thankful for the offer!

EDIT: I figured it out! I'll make a second post showcasing a demo.

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