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Cart #jmutuyupe-0 | 2024-06-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My wife and I held a week-long "CPU Design Camp" for 10-year-olds. Turing Tumble, Spintronics, and Turing Complete were all fantastic teaching aids, but nothing came close to the popularity of PICO-8. Thanks a lot!

We built this cart together, mostly on the first and last days. The kids are responsible for the entire design and most of the graphics and music. I wrote the code while they were shouting feature requests at me non-stop. A surprisingly effective task management method!

The collision detection code that works nicely is based on Celeste ("move_x"/"move_y"). I should have copied the hitbox handling too because what I cooked up is a mess. 😅

The kids got to take the game home on an R36S:

I must show off our working CPU too:



I thought I was the only child who developed and designed a game, incredible

Sadness from Inside Out Series

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