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Not sure if anyone else is seeing the same thing, but both of the devices (Linux laptop, RGB30) I use for PICO-8 0.2.6b, the "New" and "Work In Progress" lists in Splore don't seem to update to match the lists on the BBS. I happened to notice when trying to load my new game on my RGB30 via Splore, but there are a couple of other things I'm not seeing either. Just a rough estimate from looking at the timestamps, this seems to affect the previous 12 hours from the time of this post. My internet connection on both devices is fine and I'm not getting a "Could not connect to BBS" message, it just seems stuck in the past. Not sure if this affects any other parts of Splore. The Featured list does match the one here, but I'm not sure when that was last updated so it could be affecting that too.

Is anyone else seeing the same behavior? I don't think this is just me, but I don't have any way to confirm.

EDIT: Someone just posted a new cart, and that does show up, but the stuff that was missing is still missing, so I'm really not sure what's happening.

I edited my game's post (just changed some punctuation) and after that it now shows in Splore. Not sure what the issue was, but I'm going to say it's resolved.

As a note, I believe carts don't always get bumped in SPLORE for the same reasons posts on the BBS do (new cart version, for example). Not sure if this is responsible for the discrepancy you were seeing though.

@kozm0naut Yeah, it could very well be. Still no idea why my brand new cart post never showed up in Splore until I edited the post text. My working theory is that it has something to do with me creating the post as a draft several days before publishing it and the cart version changing in the draft a couple of times prior to publication. But it was 100% not in Splore after publishing, not in the list and didn't even show up in search. Haven't had anything like that happen before.

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