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I cannot successfully paste sprites in the Education Edition in either Chrome or Firefox.

Reproduction steps

  1. Go to https://www.pico-8-edu.com/
  2. Hit escape
  3. Click the sprite editor tab
  4. Draw a red cross in sprite 1
  5. Press ctrl+c. See "copied 1x1 sprites"
  6. Select sprite 2
  7. Press ctrl+v. See "pasted 1x1 sprites"

Although the text "pasted 1x1 sprites" appears, sprite 2 remains blank

Reproduction 2

  1. Go to https://www.pico-8-edu.com/
  2. Hit escape
  3. Click the sprite editor tab
  4. Fill sprite 1 red
  5. Fill sprite 2 blue
  6. Select sprite 1
  7. Press ctrl+c.
  8. Click the code editor tab
  9. Press ctrl+v. Observe pasted text is mostly 8s (for red).
  10. Click the sprite editor tab
  11. Select sprite 2
  12. Press ctrl+v(!). Observe sprite is unchanged. (EDITED - I had this wrong originally.)
  13. Click the code editor tab
  14. Press ctrl+v. Observe pasted text is mostly Cs (for blue)!

Hypothesis - when ctrl+v is pressed a copy operation is triggered immediately before the paste. This explains why the paste seems not to work - it pastes the sprite that was just copied, and why the clipboard contents have unexpectedly changed in the second reproduction. Perhaps this is related to confusion between ctrl and cmd for Mac? I haven't tested this on Windows, so I'm not sure if the problem occurs there.

Yeah, copy paste on the web on Mac for PICO-8 is tough. You need to hit both the ctrl- and the cmd- version of the relevant key combination. I forget the right order, and whether or not it switches for copy and paste.

> You need to hit both the ctrl- and the cmd- version of the relevant key combination.

I found it to completely ignore cmd key combinations. In the text editor, ctrl+c and ctrl+v copy and paste as expected. (Well... allowing for the fact it's ctrl instead of cmd anyway.) cmd+c and cmd+v just type the letters "c" and "v" as if cmd was not pressed.

In the sprite editor, cmd+c and cmd+v do not appear to do anything. They do not trigger the "copied/pasted 1x1 sprites" messages.

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