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Im really sorry if this topic has been there already, didn't find anything about it so i thought i might post it. So its not news that some regions dont have access to PayPal and/or Swift systems. I was wondering if there is a way to get around? Steam maybe? That also accounts for pico-8. Educational edition is cool and all but license is far better.
If no, well, bummers. If yes please tell me.

On the purchase page (https://www.lexaloffle.com/picotron.php), I have two options: "Pay with Card" and "Check out with PayPal". Is the first option based on Swift? It uses Stripe and can delegate to something called Link.

For Pico-8, you may have more options on itch.io but I don't think there's Picotron yet.

@pck404 second option after writing email adress is the same, uses paypal. at least for me its the way it is. there is an email mentioned in case of payment trouble so ill try it for now.

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