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Cart #laserrangefull-0 | 2024-05-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

have fun :3



This is amazing, I loved to solve these puzzles when I was a kid and you brougt me so many memories back! Thanks for the game!

Cool little puzzle system recreation! It took me a bit to figure out the controls and then kept fumbling with the wrong buttons but that's probably at mostly a me problem. One other thing is that the way the laser is reflected on both sides of the reflector is not of the same y coordinate which results in some weirdness (and it spits some at other heights so you can get the pop up saying you've won for half a a second before it disappears).

Yeah I'm working on a quick fix right now should be done later today :D

Was pretty thrilled when starting to play, as I'm a huge fan of Deflektor, but was disappointed, though mostly because I'm comparing your game to my similar looking favorite one, so I'm being unfair here.
Still, there's really no challenge it this one. Maybe it might work with handmade levels full of blocks where the placement of the splitter and the mirrors is non trivial.
About game UI, it's tedious to go fetch mirrors one by one. You could use four icons in the bottom (L mirror/R mirror/split/delete), and pressing X would activate the selected icon, and pressing O would change the currently active icon, this way there's no need for back and forth.
You could also implement optional mouse support.
Minor thing, at the start, while fumbling with the controls, I put a mirror over the icons and was pretty confused.

Thanks for the feedback :D I think I will make handcrafted levels as I agree that they would work better though this game was made for me to learn as I am still relatively new to pico8 :P

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I am winning right?

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