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Hello Lexaloffle community, I have spent a couple of days learning Picotron. Figuring out how to modify files etc. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me writing a full tutorial/documentation on how to use it, containing a full list of terminal commands (not only the ones specified by using the help cmd) and a full list of commands for the programming language. Containing information about each command. If anyone is interested in this please tell me.

Best Wishes, @grandel234

Picotron Playground:

All Official Documentation:
Gfx Pipeline: https://www.lexaloffle.com/dl/docs/picotron_gfx_pipeline.html
Picotron Pod: https://www.lexaloffle.com/dl/docs/picotron_pod.html
Picotron Usr Data: https://www.lexaloffle.com/dl/docs/picotron_userdata.html


I am very interested in a full tutorial!


me too

yes please

Thanks for sharing merwok. It seems that an official one has come out.


A little late to the party....but I think we NEED a good "How to make this game" tutorial for Picotron. I can't wait to get started on making games with fewer limitations.

Is there a splore for Picotron? The filesystem document says:
"Accessing /appdata
Cartridges downloaded and launched by splore are given their own storage area, mapped to /appdata."


splore was intended for the 0.1 release but didn’t make it
we don’t know if it could come soon or will be in 0.2 at the end of 2024

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